What's this feeling?

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"Dinner's ready!" Olivia's mother shouted from the living room while her fourteen-year-old daughter was closing her notebook.

"Coming" The girl shouted back as she stood up from her bed and went to wash her hands and to take her glass of water.

When she stepped into the living room of the small apartment where her family was living, she saw that all other family members were already on the table, and the TV was turned on.

The East Side High-school, located in Sofia, Bulgaria, was and still is the best high-school in the country, and Olivia Davies was lucky to be its student.

If you ask her, she will probably say that it was pure luck that they had accepted her in there, but little did she know that she was actually a really bright student, even one of the brightest there.

On November 22nd, she walked in her school with the regular Tuesday mood-ready for a lot of overwhelming lessons and a lot of school material, but she was actually okay with that.

The one thing that was bothering her was something she couldn't explain. There was something strange in the school's atmosphere, something she hasn't felt before, something uniting.

She brushed it off and continued walking to her locker. When she got there, she saw one of her best friends taking out some books and Biology notes for today's class.

"Hey, what's up?" Olivia asked.

"Nothing much, just preparing for a looong day" Ivy said "But excluding that, I'm fine. What about you?"

"The same" She hesitated but asked as well "Do you think that there is something wrong with the school's atmosphere today?"

"No, why would there be something wrong with the atmosphere?" The brunette asked as if it was a really funny joke.

"Never mind, let's go.We have a Physics class to kill" Olivia said, and they walked to their classroom as if nothing ever happened.

*end of flashback"

"What should we watch?"Asked Liv's little sister, Annika.

"I don't actually know" Replied their mother while giving forks and spoons. "What is going on the different programs?"

"Let me check" The father said, picking up the remote from the sofa, and started going through different programs.

Olivia, on the other hand, was just sitting on her chair and took a fork and a spoon from her mother and started overthinking everything that had happened that day.

When she looked up, she saw how her father, Ethan Davies, the forty-one-year-old mechanic, was switching between the different TV programs.

There were The News, Star Wars: Episode V, Interstellar, Back to the Future. All great movies.

Then her heart skipped a beat.


Her last two periods before lunch were English Grammar and Communication, one of her favourite subjects.

The brunette had totally forgotten about this strange atmosphere thing until she placed a step in her English classroom. It haunted her. It felt strange but at the same time...sweet. Beautiful. Filling. Uniting.

She tried to brush it off, but it didn't go away as it did earlier that day. Then she heard it.

"Liv, you alright?" One of her other friends, Mia, asked.

Then Olivia came back to the real world. She was standing like a statue in the middle of the classroom, and her friend's voice had put her out of the trance. What made her think so deeply and forget where she was? What was making her so anxious? And still so...soft.

Then again she remembered, thanks to the bell, that she was still in the middle of the classroom and moved awkwardly to her seat in the back.

When she sat, everything seemed fine, she was still confused, though, and was recalling all the things that happened in the past two minutes while taking her stuff out of her backpack.

Everything ended in a second. Her teacher entered the room. It all seemed like a far dream as it didn't really happen. Did it actually?

*a period later*

The end of the class was approaching, and Olivia was growing really anxious because she wanted it all to end. This feeling, this day, everything.

But it happened again.

Her male classmates pleaded the teacher to put on the screen something called the World Cup? What even was that? Why were they even so interested in it? What was happening?!

The teacher, Mr. Phillips, who had the traits of a great teacher and of a teenager at the same time, which made him one of the best teachers in the whole world, gladly agreed and put this Cup-thing on the screen in the room.

There were twenty minutes until the end of the period, and Olivia was counting the minutes until lunch.

It struck her again.
What was going on with her that day?!

She glanced at the screen for a single second and saw it. The reason of her strange feelings through the day so far. The green field. The audience. The people walking on the pitch. The ball. The sound. The colours.

Soon she found herself lost in another trance, but this time by watching the competition if it actually was one? She didn't know. One thing she knew was that she may have found her other half. What do they call it? Soccer? No.


Then the bell rang, and everything ended within a few seconds.

*End of flashback*

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