Explanation (or a try, at least)

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Olivia's POV:

"Are you sure he lives here?" Paige asked a bit scared. Blake took her hand with a calming expression on her face. "Because this house is huge!" she was right. The house was really big. A few apartments could fit in it easily. And there still could be space left. The main color was brown, and the whole building was very stylish. It had many palms at the entrance. As well as rocks and good night lightning. It was a little strange to believe that our Physics teacher lives here.


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(Pinterest. Credit to Behance.)

"I'm pretty sure it's the right address. I'm pretty sure that he could afford it. After all, the best US football player..." I answered her question. "And no, we are not going to disturb anyone-" I realised that it was a bit wrong to say it like that. "Well, if Mr. Nicolas is annoyed to see us, he'll be disturbed, but that's a whole different situation than just going to random people's houses," I noted. Paige stared at me.

"And would you remind me how you have Mr. Nicolas' address?" Blake asked me. She was trying to calm Paige down. I couldn't blame her.

"He told me his address in case we need something, or we are in trouble," I smiled and stressed on the second reason of why we would come to his house. I rang the bell. Nothing happened. I rang it again. "Mr. Nicolas?" I signalled it was us three, going to the gate at the side to see if he was there. "It's us!"

"Good afternoon," a woman's voice said behind me. I turned to face a woman in her forties. She had red to orange straight hair that was going down her shoulders, green eyes, and a not so genuine smile on her face. She looked like a cat if I am being honest. An orange cat. A tricky one. Was that his wife? "Who are you searching for?" she looked first at me, then at Blake and Paige.

"I told you that we would make a mistake!" Paige whispered as I came near to the woman. Her black, neat, and long to the knees dress moved a little as she shifted to face me better.

"We are searching for Mr. Daniel Nicolas," I said politely. She looked at me as if I was talking to her in another language. "We are in his Physics class," I clarified, shaking my head a little to make the situation a bit less awkward. She was still looking at me with the same expression. "Olivia Davies," I pointed at myself. "Blake Campbell and Paige Lee," I pointed at each of the girls to introduce ourselves.

"Oh, you are Mr. Nicolas' trainees!" she finally guessed. I nodded, smiling to the others. "Come on in," she moved from the door, so we could get in.

"Thank you," we said at the same time as we entered the house. "I told you we were at the right location!" I whispered to Paige, who brushed me off. I chuckled. Just as I looked, I understood we were in a whole another universe!

The entrance was stylishly furnitured with more palms, a desk with a few flower pots, a big mirror, a creamy coloured carpet, and a strange chandelier, whose form I couldn't explain. It was a square-circle mix. I didn't even know something like that could exist.

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