The end

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Olivia's POV:

"You can wait with your relatives and friends while me and the committee are defining the results," coach Hart told us as we were stepping out of the field to take both a break and a breath. "I'll come and tell you what we've decided after two hours," he continued explaining. "Do whatever you want, but just make sure to be here right at six p.m." We all nodded (by "we" I meant myself, Paige, Blake, and the all of the boys around us), and I saw everyone (basically the crowd we made) "dissolving" to all the people on the benches. Probably their parents and maybe sisters or brothers (or both. Who knew?). 

"Liv, you were on fire!" Paige said as we got a little further from the others and closer to Mr. Nicolas' seat.

"It's not the best form I've been in," I shrugged. "It could've been better."

"Are you crazy?!" She continued. "You literally scored two of the three winning goals for our team!" She nearly screamed, and I didn't hold the urge to put my hand over her mouth, so we don't attract unwanted attention.

"And you," I returned. "Your assists-" I interrupted myself right after starting to talk. "Made my two goals to come to reality," making a strange gesture with my hand to emphasise what I'd tried to say. "And your going through the defence," I turned to Blake. "This dribbling was world class!"

"I know," she smirked with a jokingly smug smile. Me and Paige couldn't hold it and laughed really hard (like, really really hard).

And as we continued our chat towards the stands (it was a big field, you know) that was filled with laughter, jokes, and sarcasm (you know who likes using this the most), I saw him.

By "him" I actually meant a guy that was sitting on one of the benches situated around the pitch. He was maybe in his thirties, with somewhat good haircut of his brown hair, and wore glasses. Sunglasses, to be exact. "What's the problem with him then?" you may ask. Well, it's not he was just sitting and doing nothing during the tryouts (no, I didn't actually watch the crowd, but I felt his eyes on my neck, I don't know why, and I just turned to see what may had caused this feeling. And then I saw him. His sunglasses in his hand, and his eyes fixed directly on me and shifting only to glance at Blake and Paige with the same type of expression). What was his problem? Did he want something? Why was he watching us all of the time (I caught him other times too, that's right).

"Hey, guys," I slightly turned my head to them, moving my gaze from the strange man that was already in his phone to my best friends. "Did you notice-" and before I could continue my question, I felt two arms, not so strong, though, pulling me for a hug.

"You did great, kids," I finally heard when the person before me broke the hug, and I finally could see...Ms. Harper? "No, you were awesome," she corrected herself, and we three blushed a little from embarrassment.

"Ms. Harper, what are you doing here?" Blake finally asked. It didn't take her much time. "Don't understand it in the wrong way-" she continued as I gave her the you-messed-up look. Ms. Harper laughed loudly.

"No worries, Blake," she replied with a laugh and hugged her also. Did she just call us by our first names? Yeah, I ask this because it happens for the first time, and I could see shock also written on Blake's face. "You don't have to apologize. I understood you," she pulled away from the hug. "You did amazing!" She exclaimed, and I could say that she was saying the truth because she had that little spark in her gaze. "And I'm here because I wanted to support you three," she answered Blake's question while looking from her to me and Paige. "After seeing how hard you've been practicing, it would've been a shame for me not to come and cheer for you," she smiled kindly. Oh, I loved that woman. She was always there for us. Whenever we had a bad time. Whenever we needed help with something (anything, actually). Whenever we wanted to ask something. She was there. Every time. "And..." she looked at Mr. Nicolas kind of mischievously. "I also wanted to apologise to you for coming a little late..." I was confused. Why was the mischievous smile present when she was apologising. And before any of us could say anything, she continued. "That's because I got a new job!" We looked at each other shocked. WHAT?!

Field of Dreams: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now