It's over

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Olivia's POV:
The World Cup is over... Mhm.

"And what now?" I was asking myself. Well...I don't know. Again. I start feeling like I don't know many things.

But let's leave my ignorance aside and talk about the situation. What was I gonna do? I mean, you probably are asking why can't I watch matches online or something.

The problem is that I can't because the new semester is starting, and I am not going to find any time to watch any matches. At all.

The good news is that I started watching football edits in YouTube, and I don't plan to stop it. Not now. Never.

And what's the problem you may ask. Well. That's not enough. Not for me. You see, I really need something to nourish my love for football. Not that it will go away, but I just need something that is more than just watching edits. Something different. Something personally for me. And again, I didn't know what. I guess I just have lack of memory cells. What can I say? Genius.

So...what was it going to be? I really didn't know (I know I am already really annoying with that, but I just didn't know). Hopefully, I'll find the answer soon.

I had to end these thoughts of mine because I had to leave my father's car and walk to school.

As I was walking, I decided to listen to some music because why not? And also, I didn't have anything to do during that walk.

Just to mention (not that you care probably) Spanish music is lit! I love it, and I've been listening only to it lately. This may have happened in consequence of me liking Spanish football, I don't know, but really Spanish music amazing. And Enrique Iglesias is the best (no judgement, please).

Listening to this kind of music has another benefit for me. It helps me (really) to stop thinking. Like, I put on some song, and then I just forget about everything and everyone around me. It's like I go to another world. Another universe even. Just the perfect thing I need for moments like this, in which I just need to dance to brush off everything.

Without knowing, I was already entering the main building of the school and going to the café to get some iced tea (Mia had something to do with that, but it really helped me to cope with stress).

I climbed the stairs to the second floor, went to the cafè, took one bottle of iced tea from the fridge, paid for it, and decided to wait in front of the classroom of my first period (Biology).

I was still listening to music. Really loudly, I must include.

I was heading to the stairs, just not knowing what happens around me, but well...sometimes it's better that way. This was one of these situations.

Let me explain. I was about to go down the stairs to walk to the science building when someone grabbed me for my shoulder.

"Hey!" I turned around only to face one of the worst people in the school.

It may sound very stereotypical, but we (by we I mean the school, but mostly the people that are suffering from them) have bullies here. Amelia being one of them (a gang). She is a girl a bit taller than me, brown long hair with blond strands, green eyes. She is beautiful, I can't deny that, but no one gave her the right to behave like she's some queen or something. It's the same with her best friend and boyfriend. Sage and Jack. The same in behaviour, unfortunately.

I was fully turned around with my music still bumming in my headphones, and the iced tea bottle open because I was about to drink from it.

"Don't "hey" us," Sage joined her.

I decided (finally) not to let them get under my skin (not that I did before, but the problem is that my bravery was just zero percent).

"What do you want this time?" I said calmly, stopping my music and moving my headphones from my head to my neck.

"Becoming confident, huh?" Jack stood up from the sofa in the cafè.

"So what?" I shrugged. "Nothing you should know about," I sipped a little from the iced tea. "And not that you should care."

"But we do," Sage said and aggressively attempted to grab my hand.

"Careful," I moved my hand. "You don't want iced tea on that beautiful dress of yours, do you?" I said way more confidently than I had expected.

"You little-" Jack started and attempted to grab my hand too until another hand, also very aggressively, dodged his.

"Watch it, Wilson," Blake said, Jack startled.

"When did you come?" I turned to Blake, totally ignoring the three idiots."I was about to call you."

"Surprise, surprise," she said and shrugged, and I laughed.

"Let's go," she said also trough laughs. "Before the three mosquetarias get angry," she whispered, grabbing my bottle of iced tea, and running down the stairs.

"BLAKE," I shouted. "Give that back! I paid for it!"

And just like that Blake saved me from the trio idiots, which I can't be more grateful for. Blake, just to say, is the only person that I actually talked to these past days. She just really understands me, and it makes me happy to know that there is someone that similar to me out there, and the fact that we can talk about the same things is just another exceptional benefit of our friendship.

"Stop!" I shouted, running through the school yard, still chasing Blake. "I can't run anymore."

I stopped, dropped my bag, and laid down on the nearest bench, closed my eyes to have some rest.
A few moments after, I sensed someone beside me and opened my eyes only to see Blake standing proudly. I put my elbow over my face.

"Ready for round two?" She asked.

"Go away. I'm not in the mood," I brushed her off and turned to the other side, my back facing her.

"Too bad for the iced tea," she teased. "It's too delicious."

"You!" I raised my tone, quickly stood up, and saw her running from me again.

I grabbed my bag and of course, again, I started running after her. I had to get that iced tea.

It turned out that for the time I was getting my things, she had run to the football pitch of the school, which some students were playing on.

As I approached it, I stopped before the line that was showing where the pitch began.

"I'm not coming there," I shouted to Blake, who was in the middle of the pitch, totally not worried about the students kicking a ball behind her.

"If you want that iced tea, you better come!" she shouted back.

"No way I'm doing this," I sighed before actually running to the middle of the pitch.

And then it hit me.

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