The family dinner

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Her heart skipped a beat.

While her father was switching between the TV programs, trying to find something good to watch, the TV screen suddenly showed one of those games. One of the games that haunted her to her bones. The thing that filled her. Her other half. The thing called World Cup.

She still didn't know what it actually meant. She knew only the name of the sport, and that's all. But then, why does it influence her like this? Truly, she had never watched a match (that's how they call it, right?), and maybe this was the reason? She didn't have the answer. She knew, however, that it was special.

It didn't seem to be something like the other things she liked. It wasn't even close to engineering or biology. It was something that felt almost real but untouchable. So close but so far away at the same time. Part of her but not really. A strong connection but so insecure.

Olivia found herself again in a trance, and when she got out of it, she understood that everything was back to normal. Her father had found a movie for the family to watch. He had skipped the thing that thrilled her. Her dreams. He had skipped her desire. Her life (life?!).

Liv felt like her world was falling apart and building up again. And this happened constantly. Like a paradox. She felt as she could explode any minute. Like she could pass out. Luckily, her mother's voice got her out of her lost thoughts and emotions.

"So, how's school been today?" Mila, the mother, asked.

"Pretty good actually" Liv's sister said "I got two A's and I did really well on my project"

"Good job, Ann!" Her father congratulated her with a very sweet and you're the perfect daughter we always wanted tone "We're very proud of you!"

"And what about you?" There wasn't even a track of the sweetness in his voice. It was all bitterness. Cold bitterness.

"It was...nice"She hesitated to continue "We, uhm, in English class...uhm..." Her parents were giving her the I think you should stop talking and do we look like we care so much look.

Olivia decided to be cool and said "We watched a very cool documentary about organisms in Biology class."

With this her chance of a normal life totally disappeared.

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