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Olivia's POV:
"A-are we done yet?" I asked as I was making the ninth lap around the pitch. And let me tell you. It was exhausting!

"One more," she said sternly as I ran in front of her.

"Ugh," I sighed, but continued running because I knew I can't argue with Blake when she was being serious.

So...yeah. Training. It wasn't the best thing, but I know that Blake wants to help me, and I really want to learn how to play the game. I hope that it really works out because even I could see how excited Blake was. She doesn't get excited for things just like that. It wouldn't have been her if she did.

My other problem was the whole running thing. At some point I was wondering if that much running will actually do the thing.

I mean...In the beginning of the training I did 10 laps around the field (and it is 11-a-side pitch), I did insane amount of sprints in the middle, and now again...10 laps around the pitch.

As I said, exhausting. But...I was trusting Blake. I think she knows what she's doing even though she's not a qualified coach. The only reason why I'm trusting her is because she makes the best research. No matter the topic.

"Done now?" I stopped in front of her, hardly catching breath.

"Yep," she looked at her notebook and scratched something with her pen. "All done for today."

"You didn't tell me when we'll do the trainings?" I asked concerned for my breathing in the future.

"Everyday," she was still looking at her notebook for something.

"You gotta be joking," I raised my head as I was almost kneeling down, holding on to my hips.

"You think football players became that good without everyday training?" she asked, the sarcasm clearly showing.

"Haven't they heard about rest days?" I asked, still in the same position.

"Yes, but we have a bit late start than the regular football player," she said matter-of-factly.

"You mean?" I asked totally confused for I don't know which time these past few days.

"If we want you to start your training as most football players..."she started. "We're at least four years late."


"You turn fifteen in a month, "she stated. "And almost all football players began from a little younger age," she looked at her notebook again as if she had written it all there. "Between eight to ten."

"Whyyyy?" I didn't bear it anymore and felt my back touching the grass of the field. "How can they start that young?!"

"Don't complain," Blake said standing above me with her hands on her waist. "The good news is that anyone can get in form pretty quickly. Without the age mattering."

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yep," she nodded. "And also you get one rest day a week," she shrugged. "For me that's good news."

"Really? When?" I was surprised, but also relieved.

"Sunday," Blake said and looked at her notebook again.

"That means tomorrow is rest day?" I asked, already planning my sleeping schedule.

"No," Blake ruined my dreams. "Next Sunday will be your first rest day."

"Whyyyyy?" I complained again.

"We don't have time," she turned serious again. "Let alone to waste it." she stated. "If it's going to calm you down, I think you can become the strongest and fastest in a little over half a year," she said as she saw me going desperate.

"Hm?" I asked, very confused.

"If you're not complaining, of course, we will get the wanted results for a little before I have expected."

"And you're sure that it's going to work?"

"99%," she stated. "If I did the Math correct and chose those exercises that will really help you right, we'll be done with the strength gaining pretty fast."

"You really are fully in the role of a professional coach, aren't you?" I smiled.

"I am," she smiled too. "And I'll forever be if you don't forget me when you become the best football player out there."

"Let's see if I'll make it there first," I said, sitting up.

"You will," she gave me hand to help me stand up. "And I'll be watching my creation," she laughed.

"Very funny, but yeah," I stood up. "If I come to that point of being a real player, I won't forget you. I promise."

"It's good to know," Blake laughed. "Let's go because it's becoming really late."

"Yep," we started walking down the street. "I meant to ask you..." I started.

"Yeah?" she turned to me.

"Are we only going to have trainings at this time of the day?" I started. "Because it's winter. It gets dark sooner."

"No, it's just for today and tomorrow," she responded. "From Monday we'll do the trainings right after school."

"Wait, wait, wait," I was taken aback. "What if we have a lot to study?"

"Well...I think a little staying late will do the trick," she reassured me. "Not that we don't do it now either."

"Yeah," my eyes lit up. "You know what?!" I asked visually excited.

"What?" Blake turned her head and looked at me curiously.

"We'll do it!" I almost shouted (not that anyone was going to hear me). "We can do it!"

"That's what I wanna hear!" Blake joined as we were going down the stairs of the metro station.


"I'm home," I shouted as the door closed behind me.

"Finally," my mother said, approaching me. "What took you so long?"

"I've been out for four hours and a little," I said as I took off my shoes.

"So what?" she looked at me confused.

"That's same amount of time Ann goes out with her friends, and you never make a problem of it!" I nearly shouted.

"Don't raise your tone on me, young lady!" she responded.

"And that's all you gotta say?" I threw my hands in the air.

Her gaze turned cold and callous, but I've had had enough of her and my father all of my life that I said what I shouldn't have (I start thinking that this was becoming a habit of mine).

"Of course it is," I said, and her expression turned both confused and surprised. "Don't even bother to answer," I brushed her off and entered my room before she could do anything. At all.

A/N-Hey again. Just writing to you to excuse myself for posting that late:)) Sorry again.

Field of Dreams: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now