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Paige's POV:

"Hello, Mrs. Davies," I waved shyly as the around forty years old woman opened the door. "I'm here to see Olivia," I clarified my intentions, but she didn't get the confused look off her face. "If I can?" 

"I'm afraid I don't understand you, dear," she finally answered, still holding the door with her right hand. I looked with an uhm-I-don't-understand-you-either gaze. "You say that you're here for Olivia? Our Olivia?" 

"Yes," I replied firmly. "I'm one of Olivia's friends," I started feeling like she didn't know I exist. Probably because of her unexplainable expression and behavior. "Paige Lee," I tried to remind her of my name. I've come to her apartment before. For our Physics project. But as I remember, her mother wasn't at home that time. Liv must've told them about me, right?

"Olivia has more than one friend?" she suddenly interrupted my thoughts. I looked at her startled. She didn't know about me? "Blake was her name, or something?"

"Yeah," I said still under the influence of the unexpected shock I experienced for a few seconds. "Me, Mia, Ivy, Ava..." I listed on my fingers. "Didn't you know?" I turned my head to her. 

"Okay, come in," she finally moved from the door, making me way to come in. I nodded in gratitude. "She is in her room," and with that she left me with the obligation to close the entrance door behind me. 


"Hey," I opened the door to the well known room. It was still that shiny, cozy, and atmospheric. 

Liv looked up from her book. She was laying in her bed, reading something. Her laptop was right beside her. 

"Hey," I heard her sore voice. She left the book in her lap and sat up a little, causing her to lose her stability. 

"How are you?" I ran to help her. She nodded slightly, the effect of the sedatives obvious. She seemed more relaxed and calm. The tranquility was infectious. I sat on the bed, a little far from her. "I brought you the notes from today," I pointed to the backpack I left beside the door of the room. She nodded again. "How are you managing?" 

"It's okay..." she started, fidgeting her fingers. I put my hand over hers, moving closer. I felt there was something more than just "okay". As soon as I did that her eyes filled with tears. What was happening? "Nothing's okay," she said as tears started going down her cheeks as in class yesterday. I didn't remove my hand from hers. "From one month everything's just-" she interrupted herself by sobbing. "It's just not like it used to be."

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling upset for my friend since she didn't deserve to feel like that. 

"Ever since me and Blake fought," she said through sobs, but it was enough for me to understand. I put my other hand over hers. "I miss her," I let her tell me everything she needed to share. "I cannot live without her," she wiped her tears and shifted her position. I moved my hands to my lap. I felt something that she hasn't told anyone was about to come out of her mouth. "Blake was the only one who knew about my obsession with football," she shared. "We started those trainings," I watched her with a curious and commiserating look. "After we understood there wasn't a women's football team at school," was the explanation. I nodded slightly. "That's where I've learnt to run that fast," she hinted to my question at the day of the match and chuckled. "Then, I said something I shouldn't, and everything the thing I am now," she pointed to herself with a sign of mockery. "I decided to leave football behind after my low Physics and History grades. I unfollowed all football accounts I had once found solace in.  I focused only on studying. Everything was fine. Instead the fact that I've missed something. I missed football in my life," she confessed. "Then you understood, and I realized that I can't avoid anymore. I knew football was part of my life. A big one," she chuckled nervously once again. "When we went to the match, I hadn't forgotten about this. It was like I was finally aware of the fact I couldn't live without this so special sport. Nor without Blake," there was a few seconds of tense silence. "I miss her," she cried. "I wish things weren't as they are now. With mine and Blake's relationship. I even rewatched all of our pictures together." I didn't have any idea of how many things she has hidden under her every day smile she showed us on her face. "Don't get me wrong, Paige," she now talked to me directly, not shifting into her memories of her and Blake's best moment. "I value you as my friend. More than anyone in our group," I looked at her in complete shock. "You came to that match with me. You understood me. My interest. And I'm thankful for that," Liv admitted. I smiled to her. "I don't think that either Mia, Ivy, or..." she hesitated for a moment. I knew who she was going to mention next. "Ava-" she stopped again. "Would've taken it so calmly and considerately as you did," I smiled a little wider. "I think that the sedatives are doing their job quite well," she joked giggled, and I started laughing. She was really something else. Laughing in a moment like that one requires a lot of courage, nerves, and amazing and unique personality that could handle all of the surprises of the future. Both disturbing and unforgettable. This was surely the description of Olivia Davies. The LIv I knew. The Liv that the world needed to know about.

I didn't say anything throughout the whole confession. I didn't think words from me were needed at that time. It was the moment for her. For her to express all of her feelings. Not saying anything, however, resulted in getting an idea that could change everything. 

A/N-Hey, everyone. I know that I'm a bit annoying with the excuses, but since I've got a lot on my mind right now, this part is not edited. I'm really sorry about it, but I hope you liked it:))

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