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Olivia's POV:
Three weeks later

After two weeks of...complications, I could finally say that we were back. Not in the best form, but we were back. But let's do a recap, shall we?

After the "amazing" news of the expulsion warning, which was totally unfair for the three of us (yes, Paige and Blake had gotten one too), and I'm not saying that because it was us, who were suffering from it, but because we provided the documents from a doctor that was highly qualified in his sphere, and even though we weren't really sick, we could've gotten out of the situation if Mr. Moore didn't want us to continue our training and education at the same time.

Unfortunately for him, we've been doing both. Yep, you heard me right. We were both trying to keep our grades up, staying at school to late afternoon, and train hard for the tryouts that, in fact, were today.

Back to the summary of the last three weeks, however. How were we able to do all the thing I listed above? doing homework on the way back home (in the subway), sleeping at Mr. Nicolas' (pretending to go to Paige's house. I don't know how my parents let me to do that, but they did), playing right before going to sleep, and since we was already April, our vacation had started a few days ago.

It was hard, I couldn't lie about that. But we managed everything. It was like a dream. More or less because Ava and Mr. Moore were everywhere. Literally. They were always watching our actions just to make sure that everything was going according their plan. But we were resourceful. That's probably the thing thanks to which we managed to get out of their sight and do most of the things we wanted (by that I mean the things Mr. Moore didn't assign us to do. Such as more general useful labor and consultations with the school psychologists for who knows what).

"Liiivv," I heard Blake groaning, and the only thing I could do is smile. "You like doing that a lot," she smirked.

"That's my thing," I shrugged. "I guess," here we three laughed.

"As well as solving Physics equations," Paige added. "And memorising stuff," she started listing. "And dribbling. And do diving. And-" I held up my hand because I was on the edge of laughing again.

"Stop, stop," I said. "I'm not that good in any of the things you listed," I looked at her, trying not to laugh but met her serious expression. "I'm decent in them," I shrugged again.

"You've got to be joking," Blake joined the argument. "These past four days we've been in vacation, you've been killing it on the pitch," she confessed. Was I? "Like, literally."

"You two are doing better than me," I noted because was true! They looked at me as if they were being desperate for something. "What?" I asked, curious what might've caused their look.

"I'm not gonna get into trouble by saying anything more," Blake laughed again, and I did so too, not sure why. It just felt right. Like many other things that had happened in the last few months.


"Hey, Mr. Nicolas!" We said in synchrony. "How are you?" Was Blake's following question.

"Good, good," he returned with a smile and his hands on his waist. "What about you three?" He turned to us.


"The same as yesterday."

"Nervous," everyone looked at me. "What?" I was confused for the second time in one day. That wasn't a good sign.

"Why are you nervous?" Blake asked. I just looked at her with the you-have-to-be-kidding-me look.

"The tryouts?" I more of asked than said. "Isn't it obvious?"

"If we win, we win. If we lose, we lose. That's it," Blake revealed the horrifying truth. "We don't have anything to lose. There are other teams in town-"

"But this is the best team in town," I refused to let go of my stress. "We gotta make it," I said, and Mr. Nicolas approached me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Look, Liv," he looked down at me. "Yes, the team is the best in town. Yes, it'll be great if you three make it in," very calming, thanks. "But it won't be the end of the world if you don't-"

"It will," I interrupted his thought, his hand still on my shoulder. "All those hours we have to the trainings. All of the suffering. All of the pain. Ava even!" At this point I thought I was being desperate. "Look," I saw that I was crossing the limits. "If we make it to the team, I'll be the happiest girl on Earth because we've worked so hard for this," I confessed. "But if don't..." I looked at my friends. "Then, I won't stop asking what I did wr-" Paige cut me off by hugging me. I couldn't resist and returned it, Blake and Mr. Nicolas soon joining too. At this moment, all of my worries just faded away. Like they'd never been there. Stored somewhere in the back of my mind. Somewhere that the strange dream from the beginning of the World Cup. I still couldn't remember anything about it. I mean, after four months, it would've been really impressive if I still remembered something. But that feeling felt. The uniting thing. The strange whisper from the- Wait, why was I thinking about something that was so far in time from that moment when I had a beautiful day with the best people I knew ahead of me? "Let's do this then!" I suddenly exclaimed, and the others shared a group laugh. Oh, I'm gonna miss this.


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(Pinterest. Credit to Olivia.) Let's hope the pitch will bring us only positive memories...
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A/N-Hey, guys. I know that I said that it'll take longer to finish the book, but it seems that I exaggerated a little, which I'm sorry about. This or next week, you'll have the final chapter, and I hope you enjoyed the beginning of the story of the three girls. There will be more, of course, so don't worry. Olivia, Blake, and Paige's football-school journey won't end with this book for sure. Thanks for all the support and reads. It means a lot.

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