Catching up

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Olivia's POV:

And we are back! You heard me! We. Are. Back. It was the first day with a training session after school (again). However, we were going to be not only two but a whole group of four! It was going to be a picture to watch if you ask me.

Throughout the whole last month, everything was hard. From the fight with Blake to getting along with Paige and understanding about the true self of Ava.

I didn't want to bother myself with anything related to her. Not after the plagiarising accident. I still couldn't believe what she was ready to do to remove us from her way! That was way more than I had ever expected. How could she-

And here I went again. Talking about Ava on a day I should be jumping from joy. It was training season, y'all. Paige was joining us. Mr. Nicolas was joining us. Only occasions for positive emotions.

"Earth to Olivia..." I heard Blake's sarcastically mocking voice. I looked at her. "Clearly, you were somewhere else," I laughed at that because it was true.

"Yeah," I smiled and hugged both Paige and Blake as I was in the middle. "I was just thinking about how happy and blessed I am to have you two in my life," I confessed and felt Blake moving under my arm. "What? My hugs aren't comfortable?" she hugged me  back.

"No, they are amazing," she confessed. "But mine are better," I chuckled and heard some clearing their throat behind us.

"Oh, come on," I made a gesture with my arm to Paige to join us in our hug. "Come here," and she hugged us too.

"So," Blake said. "Paige, what's the feeling on your first official training day?"

"I don't actually know," she smiled. "I still don't know what my function is," I turned to her.

"I think that Mr. Nicolas will explain us what we'll do exactly," Blake said.

"I still don't understand how Mr. Nicolas happened to be That's how we call it, right?" Paige asked. "Also, you "forgot"," she quoted. "To explain at lunch yesterday because of our principal visit," she pretended to be annoyed. "And why are we going to eat on the football field?"

"Yes, that's how we call it," Blake told Paige about the coach-naming stuff. "Because it has something to do with the story we'll tell you," she explained. "Will you do me the favor?" Blake directed her words to me.

"Okay," I clicked my tongue and began with the explanation for Mr. Nicolas, his career, trophies, and the legacy he left for his country.


"What?!" she shouted and put her hands over her mouth as soon as she realised that almost everyone around us was looking at her once again. "He was the best football player of the United States?!" she whispered, leaning to my us. "And he won a Ballon d'Or for at such young age!" she continued as I nodded.

"That's what I read in multiple sources," I shrugged and smiled, finally getting a bite of what was called true jubilation. "I guess it's true," I chuckled.

"And he wants to train us?" Blake nodded this time. "That's amazing!" Paige almost shouted once again, this time not making the others look at us."I still cannot believe that!"

"Imagine how it was for us to understand," Blake joked, and I just hit her shoulder. "Ow," she said. "What was that for?" I just turned to Paige, who was taking a picture of...our food?.

(It's a Pinterest photo once again

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(It's a Pinterest photo once again. Credit to hannah larsen.)

@PaigeLee Cheers for the new beginnings🥂
Tagged @o.davies, @blake.c.

"Done," she said, and my look turned to a confused one.

"What's done?" I asked, taking a sip from my totally bio iced tea (Blake wouldn't let me to get one with added sugar).

"My new Instagram post," she said and turned her screen to us. I felt my stomach going to my heels as soon as I read the caption.

"Paige, why are you posting stuff like that?" I suddenly asked, leaving my iced tea aside. "Do you know what complications it can bring us with Ava?" she looked down.

"But what if we have to go against Ava?" she asked, and I was taken aback. "I mean," she realised she was a bit too harsh. "What if we don't have to be scared of her? We don't have to go after what she wants," she explained. "All she desires is for us to feel unsure and confused," she clarified. "Let's show her that we are not scared of her. Because we are not!"

"I haven't thought that I might say that, but Paige is right," I heard Blake saying. "We cannot go away from the problems. We have to face them, Liv."

"Okay," I agreed a bit hesitantly. "Can I click the "post" button then?" I asked, causing them both to look at me and laugh afterwards. "What?" I asked. "I love posting things."

"But you don't post anything on Instagram," Blake noted.

"That's why I love when someone posts," I pretended to flip my hair and clicked the button, causing myself to start laughing with the others. 

"By the way," Paige bit from her sandwich and turned to me. "I still don't have any kind of idea what is written on that white piece of paper Pedri gave you," she whispered the last part, so no one could hear. I paled. I hadn't thought about the note since I actually last saw it. I panicked and reached my little bottle. Yeah, I still take those sedatives. I find myself calmer, but in situations like those, I couldn't survive without them. "Liv?" she asked. "What was written on that note?" she asked, probably wanting to understand what had caused me to go through experiences I hadn't imagined I would. I gave it to her as I sipped a little more from my iced tea cup to help the pill go to my stomach.

 I gave it to her as I sipped a little more from my iced tea cup to help the pill go to my stomach

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(Pinterest. Credit to Wattpad.)

"Wait, what?" Blake suddenly joined, taking the piece of paper from Paige, who was giving it to her. She hadn't been present in the conversation until that moment because of a notification on her phone, or something like that. "Who gave you that?" she turned her head to me.

"Pedri," Paige said before I could even open my mouth to explain the whole situation. "After the match."

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