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A/N-Hey, guys. In this story, Pedri will be seventeen years old (so that it could fit the story better).
Paige's POV:

"Since the World Cup," she opened her right fist, but I didn't have a chance to understand what was there because my attention was stolen by the person before us. 

As I understood who she was, I quickly zipped my and Liv's jacket, she still shocked by our unforgettable and startling experience.

"Ava?" I asked the girl who was slowly trying to escape from our sight, probably thinking we saw her. I glanced at Liv for a second, and saw that she closed her fist automatically, her knuckles going white. "What are you doing here?" I inquired, putting the scarf behind my back as she slowly turned to us like a statue, on her heel.

"Oh," she began awkwardly. "Hi," she finally greeted with a small wave. "What's wrong with Olivia?" she suddenly pointed to our friend whose focused gaze was directed to the crowds going in and out of the exit, some people had forgotten their pictures or dropped something while others were loudly chatting about their experience of the last two hours or just celebrating the win of their favorite team.

I just looked between my distracted and confused friends a few times before actually answering with an uncertain voice.

"Oh, she's just," I started, but I needed a little more time to think what to say. As if someone heard my pleads, I saw an ambulance going fast on the road behind Ava's back and right in front of me. "She just got a little dizzy," I lied once again. "Because of the crowd and..." I stopped. "Stuff?" I've more of asked than said. She didn't say anything in return, just played with her fingers, so I thought my plan has worked out. "What are you doing here again?" I asked for second time, the first time she acted as if she didn't hear me. She just looked at me with her cold gaze, making me realize I shouldn't have asked.

"I can ask you the same," she spat out the words as if they were poison I gave her to remove her from my way.

"Did she just change the theme, so she doesn't have to answer?!" I asked myself amazed, trying not to let that emotion write its name on my forehead. "We-" I was stuck. "What do I say?" I asked myself. "We're here to meet with my brother," I suddenly remembered the excuse we had made up back in school a few days ago. "He waits for us at the exit because I wanted to buy Liv a bottle of water," I tried to make the lie more reliable. "Because of the dizziness," I clarified, and Ava nodded. Liv wasn't giving signals of life, so I decided to end our chit-chat with Ava. "We better go," I excused us. "Because my brother is probably thinking where we went," she nodded in response with the same emotionless expression, and we just walked past her, Liv on my shoulder, so she doesn't fall. Her fist was still that tightly closed.


"Liv, we have to talk," I said as soon as approached her locker, taking her by her hand with my left and closing the locker with my right one. "What happened to you yesterday?!" I asked as I left my tote bag on the table we sat on, Liv right in front of me.

"I-I don't know," she looked at her lap again with a gaze filled with truthfulness. I believed her.

"You mentioned you haven't felt like that since the World Cup," I cited her words from the day before. "What is that supposed to mean?"

She was looking at her lap for a few more seconds before crossing her fingers and putting her hands on the table. Then, she looked up to finally make me understand the whole situation.

"This was the time," she started, moving her gaze somewhere behind me. I didn't care actually. The only thing I wanted to do is understand what was making the matter so important and help if I could. "The last time when I felt emotions so strong like these," she revealed to me. "Do you remember when I just stood like a rock in the middle of the English classroom?" I nodded, remembering her strange behavior of that day. As I did so, however, everything came on its place.

I remembered her unexplainable demeanor. Her zoning out. Her sudden outbursts we didn't know the reason for. Her Instagram. The excuses. The message to Ava. Everything!

"That was the day you started liking football!" I exclaimed, trying to keep the volume down. She confirmed my statement by a very slight and almost not visible nod of her head. One strand of hair fell on her face, and she moved it behind her ear with the same slow motion, this time of her hand. "Does that mean-" I started to hint, but got interrupted by Liv's rapid movement on her seat, signaling me to stop talking.

"I don't know!" she almost screamed, remembering to keep it quiet, so we don't attract anyone's attention. Even our friends. "I-I," she began again. "I really don't know," she repeated. "I can't explain it," she just leaned back on her seat with desperation evidently on her face.

"Do you think he-" I started again, but she just stopped my thought with another movement. This time, with her hand as if trying to shut my mouth.

"You know even if there was something..." she started. "He's twenty-one," I watched her in shock, my jaw dropping to the floor like the two boys on the stadium.

"What?!"I screamed, not trying to keep it low this time. "He's seventeen?!" I hissed, leaning over the table with my hands under my chin. "He doesn't seem that old," she laughed.

"He's not old," she told me through laughs, her happiness making me smile too.

"That's why I said it with that tone," I repeated with the same voice, also chuckling. "Speaking of which," I started, remembering the meet with Ava yesterday night. "What did you want to show me yesterday?" she looked at me with sudden understanding look.

In return, she just put her hand in her pocket and slid a small piece of paper on the table to my direction. I took it in my hand.

Liv's phone vibrated, and she took it out of her backpack to check who was texting her.

"You've got to be kidding me," she exclaimed, and I looked up. It was as if something didn't want me to understand what there was on the little white piece of paper.

To be continued...

A/N-Hey, guys. I just wanted to excuse myself for not editing this part. I just didn't have time to do so. I hope you understand.

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