Real training

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Olivia's POV:
"Can I speak with you after class ends?" Mr. Nicolas told me instead of giving me my test back as he did with my classmates. "I want to discuss something important."

"Okay," I responded, nervousness seemingly revealing on my face.

"What did he want?" Blake asked me when Mr. Nicolas got away from us to give the rest of the students their tests back.

"I don't know," I said through anxiety. "He wants me to stay after class to discuss something important," I shrugged, almost going to cry.

"Want me to stay and wait for you?" she asked.

"No, no, I'll catch up with you during lunch," I said to her. "I'll deal with whatever it is myself."

"Okay," she laid her hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be good news," she reassured me.

"I hope so," I sighed. "He is the teacher I fear the most."

"It'll be alright, don't worry," she said, her hand still on my shoulder. "And guess what?" she asked, getting excited."I got 95%!"

"What?!" I jumped on my place. "Really?"

"Mhm," she responded and showed me the paper with the excellent grade on it.

"Another excellent grade in the record of Blake Campbell," I joked, almost laughing.

"Stooppp," she laughed. "I don't need you teasing right now."

"Why?" I continued teasing her because well..why not?

"We are starting the real training today," she looked at me knowingly. "I bought the ball."

"What?" I was startled. "You shouldn't have bought it yourself!" I protested. "We made a deal!"

"I wanted to," she shrugged, and I just stared at her angry, knowing that I can actually be angry to her. Never.


As class ended, I started packing my things without hurrying because I knew I had to stay.

If I had to be honest, I was dying from the inside (thanks to anxiety). I didn't know what could happen. What if I failed the test? What if I was failing the class? What if it was something even worse?!

Well, I was about to find out as I was uncertainly stepping to the bureau of Mr. Nicolas, every student already out of the room.

"Ms. Davies..." he took his glasses off and shook his head a little as if he was disappointed, which made me even more anxious. "You probably wonder why I asked you to stay after the class," I just nodded, without actually knowing what to do. "Here's your test," he said, giving it to me. It showed 85%. I paled. "I know Physics is hard," he started and paused for a little. "But you haven't shown any signs of it being difficult to you. Even more, you manage to excel in the subject better than anyone in the class," he shared. "And..." he looked at me straight in the eyes. "Getting an 85 is okay generally, but this is your lowest grade so far, so I was wondering if something is bothering you? And if I can help you with sorting it out?" he asked.

"N-no," I responded, nervously tightening my grip on the test.

"Has something changed recently that may have affected your learning process?" he asked actually concerned about me.

"The football trainings," I realised and stared at the wall with knowing gaze, Mr. Nicolas understanding something's happened. "Actually...yes," I said, without knowing, and he looked at me even more curiously. "I've never shared this with anyone, and I hoped that it won't affect my studies," I sat on the chair in front of Mr. Nicolas.

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