The problem (The POV's)

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Ava's POV (I have never thought that I would write from her point of view):

"Mr. Moore?" I slightly opened the door and saw if he was inside. "Can I come in?"

"Oh, yeah," he was sitting on his chair as usual. "And don't be that formal," he said as I closed the door. "You are my daughter, after all," he just shifted a little on his seat and fixed his suit.

"We don't need anyone to have suspicions," I answered, leaving my backpack on the second chair. "Especially because you are the School Board director," I sat right in front of him.

"That's why you are with your mother's surname and not mine," he said for the hundredth time in my life. With the same kind of annoyance in his voice.

"I don't need you to read me lectures about how disappointing it is for me to refuse to be named after you," I snapped. "I'm here to talk about two of my classmates," I informed him. He put his elbows on the desk. "Paige Lee and Olivia Davies," I said with disgust. Those two needed to be punished.

"And what's the matter with your classmates?" he asked, curious what might have happened.

"Do you remember how you had two students accused of plagiarising a few days ago?" I asked, putting my arms on the arm holders of the chair.

"Yes?" he more of asked than said. "Their names were..." he got a folder and started going down pointing with his finger. "Olivia Davies and Paige Lee," he realised. "Those are your classmates," I nodded. "What happened for you to come instead of telling me at home?"

"I want you to look at this," I slowly slid the phone on the table for him to look at it closer. "And this is Ms. Davies, Ms. Lee, one I recognise as Ms. Campbell from my Physics class, and Mr. Nicolas at the mall. Talking, laughing, and," I stopped a little, so he could take the phone and look at the picture. "Going around the shops," I sat on the chair again, proudly. "Isn't that strange?"

"And what are you proposing for me to do?" he looked at me, and I smiled.


Olivia's POV (finally):

"Hey, how are the cleats?" I whispered the last part as I sat on the chair in our Physics classroom.

"As perfect as they were the first day," Paige answered. "I can't take them off when I'm at home!" I looked at her amazed.

"What did your parents say about it?" I asked the obvious question.

"They are in ecstasy," I stared at her. Was I hearing right? "My brother and father especially," she continued. "The only thing they don't like is that I am a Barcelona fan," she shared. "They think the same about you. Since yesterday's match," I just grimaced sarcastically, without much realising what she had said.

"Wait," I finally understood. "You are officially a Barcelona fan?" she nodded. "Since that match we went on, I've been watching different parts of matches and followed their style of play, and I love this team!" she exclaimed, and I gave her a high five. That was my girl. We heard the bell.

"Okay, class, let's begin with our lesson," Mr. Nicolas stood up from his chair and looked around the classroom. "Today, we are going to-" he couldn't finish because the door flew wide opened.

"Mr. Nicolas, could you come to my office?" Mr. Moore, the School Board director, walked in like Ms. Harper did last week. Why does it have to happen in our Physics class every time? Aren't there any other classes that could be interrupted.

"Yes, of course," he answered Mr. Moore's question. "Class, open on your textbooks on page 164, read the lesson, and take notes," he turned to the class. "I hope I'll be back before you have done so," he murmured the last part, but since we three were sitting in the second desk, we heard him. I was aprova my something connected with the administration, documents, and the archive. I don't know.

Daniel Nicolas' POV (one part and two new point of views; I'm proud):

"Daniel, you are not in a pleasant position," Mr. Moore, or one of my friends, Mateo, told me as I sat on the chair on my left. "And I'm saying it both as a friend and as your boss," he sighed and leaned on his desk. "Favouring students?" I stared at him What was he talking about? "That's a lot. Even for you."

"Wait," I shook my head. "What do you mean by "favouring students"?" I quoted. In answer, he just gave me his phone. There was a picture. A picture of me and the three girls. I finally understood what he was talking about.

"That's what I'm talking about," he pointed at the phone with an I-told-you-you-were-in-trouble.

"But that's so out of context!" I nearly shouted at my friend's face. "Who gave you that?"

"It doesn't matter," he almost hissed and abruptly took his phone from my hands as if it was the only source of this proof that I was "favouring students". I was sure it hadn't been. "What matter is that you've been spotted shopping with your students," he put his phone on the desk. "Do you have an explanation, or should I begin the descriptions the punishment that you'll be given?" he asked.

"I help them," I sighed and looked down. "Look, Mateo," I started. "Do you know anything about my past?" I looked at him and faced a totally confused man. "You don't...Well, I've put a lot of effort in covering everything up," I stood up, and he was still looking at me with the same expression. "I guess it's the time to finally tell you who I was, and who I am today," I walked behind the chair and put my hands on its back.

 "I guess it's the time to finally tell you who I was, and who I am today," I walked behind the chair and put my hands on its back

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(Pinterest picture. Credit to 2. Just pretend that the faces cannot be seen.) When we are at school...
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