incorrect qoutes 🌹

619 19 28

*in a room with Bill, Badlinu, Tubbo, Jack Manifold, and Tubbo*

Tommy: Alright, listen up, you stupid shits!

Ranboo: *sad Ranboo noises*

Tommy: Not you Ran, your an angel, and we're all delighted to have you here
Ranboo: I wouldn't go outside. It's a bit muggy..

Aimsey: Ran, I swear to God. If I see a bunch of crushed up mugs on our porch.

Ranboo: *takes a sip of milk from a bowl*
Tubbo: Is anyone d-

Ranboo: dying?

Tommy: depressed?

Devon: dumb?

Bill: disliked?

Tubbo: I was about to say done. But the last one.
Techno: What does take out mean?

Tommy: dating

Wilbur: food

Phil: murder.
Tommy: What's your favorite horror movie?

Ranboo: High school musical.
Techno: What does Wilbur like to eat?!

Tommy: rocks.

Phil: Sand.

Ranboo: Shoe laces.

Devon: Batteries.

Aimsey: Paper.

Qauckity: my dick.

Techno: What you all said is not edible..

Tommy: No? You just hand Wilbur anything, and he'll eat it!

Wilbur: Where the hell did my paper work, batteries, rock collection, and spare shoe laces go?!
Ranboo: What's this?

Tommy: My to-do list!

Ranboo: Why does it say my name..

Tommy: ...

Ranboo: *running*
Phil: Techno!

Techno: Yeah?

Phil: Can you take out the trash?

Techno: I'm not taking out my brothers for a walk!
Devon: Your ugly.

Tubbo: *tearing up*

Devon: *Gives blankets, hugs, snacks, and pizza*

Tubbo: *happy Tubbo noises*
Techno: Should I kill off all the couples in the book I'm writing?

Wilbur: Well.. What type of book is that?

Techno: my auto biography

Wilbur, Qauckity, Dream, George, Ranboo, and Tommy: *Running*
Tommy: *runs up to Ranboo* IM GONNA DIE

Ranboo: Why..?

Tommy: I broke Techno's-

Techno: *walks up to Tommy with a broken blob plushie in one hand and an axe in the other*

Tommy: Oh, look.. I am gonna die..
Qauckity: what's it like living with Techno?

Wilbur: *having a flashback*

Wilbur: Techno, I know you're mad at me, but can you pass me the salt?

Techno *grinds glass and puts it in a salt shaker* Here you go!

*end of flashback*

Wilbur: Great..!

Ranboo: *Gives cape* I know it's not much.. but.. good luck with your tournament!

Techno: Ohhhhhh, this thing..? *puts on cape* This is not important.

Ranboo: Then why did you put it on?

Techno: Shut your mouth.

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