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Ranboo POV
I need water. But it's like 11 PM, and I already turned off all the lights, and Freddie is probably asleep.. It's whatever. I need water anyway. I stepped outside my room, turned on the lights, and grabbed a cup. But then I felt this.. Wierd feeling? I whip my head around to see nothing. "Hmm.. Maybe I'm just paranoid.." I shrugged it off and filled my cup with water. I filled it again so I could take it upstairs with me, and went up the stairs. I felt that one feeling again. You know, like the one you feel like you're being watched?

I turn my head again, nothing. "Yeah. I'm just paranoid." I thought out loud before going upstairs again. I opened my door. What happened to my room? It looks the same but feels different.. So.. Let's see.. The blanket is still on the ground, one pillow is on the bed, one is on the ground, random laundry is on the floor, a bunch of random food scattered on my desk, plushies- wait.. I walked up to one and grabbed it. "I didn't have you before.." I stared at it. "It's whatever, you're kinda cute."

(That's the plushie btw)

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(That's the plushie btw)

I set it back down on my bed, but then I realized something else. I left my LEDS on purple.. Not red.. Odd way for Freddie to leave a gift in my room.. Whatever.

In the morning..

I woke up, 9:00. Freddie should be awake.. I went downstairs and saw the brunette. "Mornin' Freddie." I kinda just mumbled. "Mornin!" He responded, I grabbed some random cereal. "So.. Why'd you leave a plushie in my room and turn my LEDS to red?" I asked, grabbing a bowl and milk. "I didn't leave anything in your room..?"

I stopped what I was doing. "Then why- Why.." My voice trailed off. "Was there something in your room?" I looked up from my bowl, staring directly at him, then I looked back at my bowl. "Uhm.. No- No.. I guess not.." Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. "Ok, then.." Freddie just kinda shrugged it off. I made my cereal, ate it, and went upstairs back into my room. I was about to lie down on my bed, but there was a piece of paper on it. "What the actual.." I picked it up and looked around. No one. I opened it,

Name: Ranboo Beloved Ender

Age: 21

Favorite color: Blue

Birthday: November 2, 2002

Siblings: Tiffany Ender and Matthew Ender

Parents: Brooklyn Ender and Aaron Ender

Closest friends: Freddie Badlinu, Aimsey Television

Last place you went outside your house: Lemon Café to hang out with your boyfriend

The last movie watched: Scream

Boyfriend: Bill Fourzo

Dog's name: Vanilla

Sexuality: Gay and nonbinary

Favorite song: Fine

Favorite artist: Lemon demon

I know every single thing about you.

I sighed and went back downstairs. "Freddie! This isn't funny! Stop it!" I yelled, showing him the list. "What..?" He went up to me and took the list.

"This.. This isn't my handwriting.." I stare at him for a second. "What..?" Was the only thing that could come out of my mouth. "Hah! Got ya!" He yelled out suddenly. I hit him with the paper and then started laughing with him, "That isn't funny, you idiot!" I shouted. "Alright, sorry.. I'll get takeout or something.." I sighed, then nodded before going upstairs.

3rd person POV
As soon as Ranboo went upstairs, Freddie took his phone out.


Leave our goddamn house
For fucks sake Ran isn't interested in you
And stop leaving random things in here you stupid fucker

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