Apologies don't cut shit 🥀

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Tommy= smoking addiction
Ranboo= doesn't like that and grew up with shitty ahh family
Tubbo and Molly: Just living in the same home

Tommy scattered around his shared house as he looked for his cigarettes.

He had a bad day.

He needed them NOW.

"Tubsss!! Do you know where my cigarettes are?!" Tommy shouted, knowing Tubbo was on a different floor.

"Yea- wait- didn't you tell Ranboo you quit a week ago?!"


He did tell Ranboo he quit a week ago.

"Yeah! But it's for a friend..?"

White lie.

"Oh- Then it's in the drawer we keep everything in."

Thank you for being so dumb, Tubbo.

"Thanks!" Tommy yelled, running towards the drawer.

There they were.

Sighing, he took the lighter out, too, and lit the cigarette.

Blowing out the smoke, he could feel his nerves calm down.

Much better.

"What are you doing?" Ranboo.

Ranboo was in the hallway where the garage and the actual kitchen were separated from the groceries in their hands.

"You.. You told me you quit." Ranboo could only mutter out.

"I'm sorry, love.. It's just.." Tommy blew out another cloud of smoke, "Addicting.." Tommy shrugged.

"So now you're smoking in front of me?" Ranboo said, annoyed as he placed the grocery bags on the island.

"Looks like it." Tommy laughed, his breath reeking of tobacco already.

"Let me see those real quick." Ranboo put out their hand for the box of cigarettes.

Tommy hesitantly put them in Ranboo's hand.

"I'm sorry.. But I don't want you to hurt yourself more." Ranboo says before throwing the cigarettes in the sink.

"What are you doi-" Tommy cuts himself off as the sink starts running.

Quickly, Tommy turns off the sink, only to be looking at the ruined cigarettes in there.

"You have 5 fucking seconds to get the fuck out of my sight." Tommy says coldly.

"W-what do you me-"

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Ranboo doesn't reply, only for Tommy to grab their collar of their shirt and pull them closer.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Tommy shouted, throwing them to the floor.

Not only do they get thrown against the wall and hurts like hell, but it reminds them of the house they grew up in when Charlie and Matthew weren't there to protect them.

Tommy raises a hand, about to hit them, then realises what he's doing.

"Shit.." He said under his breath.

It's only now that he realises Ranboo is crying, screaming for forgiveness from Tommy with their hands over their ears.

"Shit- I'm sorry, love.." Tommy tries to hug the other, only for that to backfire with them backing away and flinching.

"I-IM SORRY- PLEASE DONT HURR ME!" They shouted, tears streaming down their face, still begging for forgiveness from the other blonde.

"What's all the racket- RANBOO!" Tubbo and Molly immideatly run over, Tubbo going to Ranboo and Molly going to Tommy.

"It's ok.. Just breathe.." Tubbo tries to tell the other, only to get more crying.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Molly yells as she pulls Tommy to a different room.

"They.. They ruined my cigarettes.. And uhm.. I hit them.."

Molly felt her heart sink.

"What the fuck?! You KNOW what happened! More than anyone!" She points out, "And you almost got rid of your fucking relationship over a bix of damn cigarettes! Work on yourself." She says before leaving the room, slamming the door shut.

Molly immideatly runs to Ranboo and Tubbo.

"Hey! Ranboo! It's ok, dear.. (Not in a romantic way). " She tries telling the other.

That did help with the screaming, not the crying, though.

"Hey.. How about we get some ice cream?" Tubbo offers.

Ranboo manages to nod, still choking on sobs.


Ranboo, Molly, and Tubbo walked into the house with ice cream in their hands, talking and laughing.

"Where were you guys?" Tommy asked, sitting in front of the TV.

Ranboo's breath hitched, backing away ever so slightly.

"Ranboo.. love.. I'm sorry.."

Ranboo shook their head, backing away even more.

"Apologies don't cut shit."

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