where were you?! 🌹

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3rd person POV
"Hey, love! One of my friends is coming over!" Tommy yelled from downstairs since Ranboo was upstairs. "Alright!" Ranboo yelled back, not really caring. Alright, you may not know this about Ranboo, but he has another sibling, no, not Tiffany or Matthew. Another sibling. Charlie. Ranboo didn't get to know Charlie that well. Knowing about the 4 year age gap, Charlie went to college in another state, while Matthew stayed in California to provide for both Ranboo and Tiffany. Now, Ranboo was 14 when Charlie left. Charlie went to New York. Ranboo wasn't able to keep contact with him.

Ranboo always wondered if one day Charlie would return. But right now? He's 21. While Charlie is 25, Matthew is in his early 30s, and Tiffany just turned 18 about a few months ago. Tiffany also happened to go to college to study how to become an FBI agent, just like her brother. No, not Ranboo, Matthew. Charlie didn't become an FBI agent like Ranboo, Charlie went to college to study film and editting. Welp! That was years ago, Ranboo got over the no-contact thing and now has friends who are like brothers. *cough* *cough* Aimsey, Sneeg, and Bill. *cough*

Now Ranboo stands in Brighton, no longer that shit hole that dares to call itself a town called Fresno (I searched up a random town). Ranboo heard the door open. He didn't care, knowing it was Tommy's friend. But then again, Ranboo felt.. Thirsty. So he did what every other human being does. Build up the motivation to leave their bed, struggle to walk down the stairs, and reach the last step of the stairs. Ranboo managed to make it down the stairs, he grabbed a cup and walked over to the fridge where the water dispenser thingy is.

"Tommy, who's that?" Ranboo swore he recognized that voice, but he turned around to face the guy. It was Tommy's friend. Ranboo had never seen him in their entire life. I mean, he had orange hair, glasses, a grey t-shirt, and jeans. He looked like a walmart Ed sheeran. "Oh! That's my boyfriend, Mark! Everyone calls them Ranboo, though." Tommy simply answered. "Hello!" Ranboo smiled, taking a sip of their water. The ginger tilted his head. "Mars..?" Ranboo knew that nickname. That was the nickname Charlie gave them. "I'm sorry.. Do.. Do I know you..?" Ranboo asked nervously. "Charcoal..?"

Ranboo eyes widened. That was the nickname he gave Charlie. He finally saw the resemblance. Charlie, the long-lost brother, had dirty blonde hair but soon dyed it to this orange color, and Charlie wore contacts but never had the motivation to put them on. "OH MY GOD!" Ranboo just placed their water on the counter and hugged Charlie. "You dumb asshole! Where were you all these years?!" Ranboo yelled as he hugged Charlie tighter, feeling tears form. "College, but I dropped out after the 2nd year." Tommy was confused. Ranboo doesn't swear unless it's the word 'hell' and 'damn'. Sometimes 'whore and shit' when he's really mad.

"Uhm.. Am I missing something..?" Charlie and Ranboo stopped hugging and turned to Tommy. "Tommy. Mars is my brother." Tommy's jaw practically DROPPED. "He's.. He's your.. YOUR WHAT?" Tommy shouted the last part. Ranboo just nodded. "WHAT THE FUCK?? I THOUGHT YOUR ONLY BROTHER WAS MATTHEW!" Tommy screeched. "Oh, speaking of Matthew, how's Matthew and Tiffany?" Charlie asked, completely ignoring Tommy. "They're doing great! They actually just dropped by last week!" Tommy just sat there. Completely lost.


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