Enders pt. 3 ❓️

116 3 43

Pure darkness.

Randy had a bag over his head.

At least he was pretty sure he did.


The crows never put effort into these things.

"He was much easier to catch than expected."

The stupid guy that he had fought voice seemed to ring in his ears.

"Hm.. He was always a feisty one.. That's a bit surprising."



No fucking way.

"Take the bag off his head." The other voice had said.

Suddenly, Randy's eyes were flooded with light.

"Ah! Goddammit!" Randy shouted.

His hands were tired behind his back.


A pale guy with dark brown hair stood in front of him, brown eyes that seemed to stare into Randy's, a white t-shirt, black cargos, and a silver locket that was in the shape of a heart.


"Get the fuck away from me." Randy says at once, "I don't want anything to do with you."

"Awh.." Asher's hand cupped Randy's cheek, "Still the same guy I know.."

A strong kick was met with Asher's left leg.

"FUCK!" asher shouted.

"Don't touch me." Randy says sternly.

"Toms.." Asher says as he turns to the other, "Give us a minute."

"Ugh.. You and your relationship problems.." Tommy groaned as he left the room.

"Mon chéri.. Can we work this out..?" Asher asks as he gently cupped Randy's cheek, holding down their legs.

"Work what out? Your ass was only with me so you can spy on the people who are practically my family." Randy snapped.

"Amour.. You know that's not tru-"

"Did that year mean nothing to you?"


"Did you even care about me? The slightest b-"

"RANDY!" Asher shouted, getting off of Randy.

"Ah.. Je suis désolé, mon chéri.." Asher muttered as he took a deep breath, "I did care about you. I cared about you a lot."

"I get a feeling that's just bullshit." Randy practically barked.

"But it isn't, I assure you." Asher says softly, "I promise."

"You've said that a lot of times in our relationship, and you didn't do anything." Randy remarked.

"Fine." Asher sighed.

"Cross my heart." Asher said as he made an X on his heart.

Randy stared at Asher.

He let's a big sigh.

"Fine. Go ahead and talk."

"I know it doesn't look like I cared about our relationship a lot, but I swear I did." Asher says softly, "I meant every single gift that I had ever got you, every single word I said on every date night, and I mean everything while we were dating."

"Oh, so you decided to try to kill brother and I?" Randy snapped back, his words filled with anger.

"Mon chéri, you have to understand that the way you see you 'gang' is the way I see mine." Asher returned.

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