adopted family 🌹

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Not Tomboo, but the Ender family :)
Keep in mind that I have no clue how this works, so I'm just going to be basing off everything by the stuff that I know.

3rd person POV
Ranboo sat on the couch. It's pretty hard being the only 16 year old when you're trying to get into a family when you're surrounded by little 5-8 year olds. Especially when you have facial dysmorphia so you always wear a mask. He sat on the couch and began playing with their rubix cube. Why? Because that's how he fidgets. And the stinky little 5 year olds are watching Ryan's toys review.

That's when the door opened. Inside came 3 people, all looked like family. One girl around the age of 14 and 2 guys, one around the age of 25 and one around the age of 23. "Hello! Welcome! Would you like for me to show you where the kids are?" The lady at the front desk asked. "Sure!" One of the guys replied. "Do you want a certain gender? Any preferences?" The lady questioned. The girl shook her head. "Alright, may I know your guys' names?" The 3 shrugged as they looked at each other. "I'm Matthew, this is Charlie, that's Tiffany."

Matthew looked like he was 25 years old, Charlie looked like he was 23, Tiffany looked like she was 14. "Alright, let me show you the kids." The lady led them to the room with all the children. There were about 5-15 people, not that much, but still a lot. "Kids! Attention here, please!" The lady called out while clapping her hands. All the kids stopped what they were doing, besides Ranboo. They knew they weren't gonna get chosen, so what was the point? "These people are here to adopt one of you guys, meaning one of you won't be here." The lady stated.

"Do you have anyone in mind?" The 3 scanned the kids. No one really looked like them or caught their eyes until Tiffany tapped Charlie's shoulder. "Hey, look at them." She said, pointing to a dirty blonde, none other than Ranboo. He looked similar to the 3, close enough, and he looked sweet. "Oh.. That one?" The lady sounded.. Wierded out? "He's 16 and uses he/they pronouns, and he always wears that mask.. I dont thin-" Matthew cut her off. "I think he's perfect. Can we adopt them?" Charlie and Tiffany smiled.

"Are you sure..?" Damn, this girl doesn't like them.. Ranboo wasn't paying attention and kept on playing with their rubix cube, so he had no idea what the hell was going on. "Yeah, can we get the paperwork?" Charlie asked, although he was signing it. Matthew, however, also would be because he's the other legal gaurdian. "Yeah.. Ok.." The girl rolled her eyes and went to go get the papers. Soon enough, she came back with them. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Tiffany glanced over at Matthew, Matthew glanced at Charlie, Charlie glanced at Ranboo, who was still playing with the rubix cube.

"Yeah. Those are what the papers are for." Matthew smiled, signing all 3 of the papers before Charlie did. "That one has facial dysmorphia, don't take their mask off unless they want to or else they're gonna have a meltdown." The lady sounded.. Like a bitch. "Ranboo! You've been adopted by Charlie, Matthew, and Tiffany! Come here!" Ranboo looked up and pointed to themself, "Me..?" They asked, trying to make sure they heard it correctly. "Yes you, now cmon. Chop chop!" The bitc- I mean the LADY said.

Ranboo slowly got up and had their rubix cube with them. Ranboo just.. Walked over..? "Alright, that's it. You can do what you want to know!" The noise of kids' joy filled the room. "Alright, cmon, let's go!" Charlie said with a smile as Ranboo walked with them to the car. Charlie sat in the front, Matthew was in the driver's seat, and Tiffany was in the back with Ranboo. "So, kid, what's your name?" Matthew asked as he started the car. "Ranboo.." They replied quietly. "Sorry, come again?" Matthew didn't really hear them. "They said Ranboo, right?" Tiffany answered as Ranboo nodded.

"We're your new family now! How long were you in there..?" Matthew asked as Charlie whipped his head to him. "Dude! You can't just ask that after JUST adopting the-" Ranboo cut Charlie off, "It's fine, I've been in there for about 5 years ever since my dad went to jail, and my mom died." That somewhat startled all of them. "5 years?! And no one adopted you in those 5 years?!" Tiffany yelled. "Eh.. It's fine, it's just you know.. It's hard when you're a 16 year old and you know all the basics to math and everything.."

"It's alright, you'll love it with us.." Charlie smiled. Nobody could really tell that Ranboo was smiling. He just kinda.. Sat there. "Oh! And I forgot to mention, our family also died when we were really young.. We're all siblings, but we always managed." Matthew also pointed out, Ranboo just nodded. Soon enough, they made it home. "Welcome to your new home, kid!" Matthew said joyfully while everyone got out of the car. It wasn't the nicest house, but it was still nice, 2 stories, a white house with a gray roof, clean windows, and a black door with glass in it.

"Cmon, let's go inside." Tiffany said, wrapping an arm around Ranboo's shoulder. Even though Ranboo tensed up to Tiffany's arm, he soon just didn't mind after a few seconds. "Take off your shoes when you go inside, we can go shopping for new clothes for you later." Charlie brought up. And they did just that. They took off their shoes and went inside. "Let's go!" Tiffany dragged Ranboo's hand up the stairs and dragged them to an empty room with a bed, a night stand, blue wallpaper, and a wooden floor like all the other floors. "This is your room, we'll get stuff for it tomorrow because that's when we're getting stuff for your room." Then Tiffany ran off.

Ranboo decided, 'Hey! Why not check out the house?' So he just walked around. There were 3 other rooms near theirs, all with the name of the owner of the room. Tiffany had her name in blue letters, nothing really special about it. Charlie had his in green, and the text looked like it was melting. And Matthew had his in red and blue. Next, Ranboo decided to check out the room in the middle of the hallway since it had no sign.

He opened the door, a mirror, a couple of drawers, 2 sinks on each side of a counter, and door leading to the actual bathroom. Ranboo decided to just go out and shut the door with it. Now, the stairs. Ranboo walked down the stairs, the stairs had this.. Platform..? Once you went halfway down. And there were pictures on the wall right next to the platform. A selfie of Tiffany, Charlie, and Matthew that said right below it: 'Tiffany's 14th birthday! 2023' Another one, but this time, Charlie was at the end. 'Charlie's 21st birthday! 2023'

Then another one. 'Matthew's 25th birthday! 2023' The other ones were just pictures with what Ranboo assumed were friends. "You like them?" Ranboo jumped at the sudden voice. "Oh- sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you.." Ranboo turned to look next to him, Charlie. "You know, when's your birthday?" Ranboo knew Charlie was just trying to be friendly, so he gave in despite thinking it was creepy as hell. "November 2nd." Ranboo said, barely in a mumble. "Well, it's nice to know-" Charlie was cut off by Matthew's voice. "Lunch's ready!" Charlie glanced at Ranboo.

"Cmon." Charlie smiled as Ranboo followed him down the stairs. Tiffany also soon came downstairs, too. "Alright, sorry it's not anything special, but we really only had instant ramen in the pantry." Matthew said as he set a pot of ramen on the table. "Ramen is ok, right?" Tiffany asked, looking up from her phone. "Yeah.." Ranboo said quietly. "Great! Tiffany, put your phone away, no phones at the table." Tiffany sighed. "One photo?" She asked. Matthew sighed and gave in. "Alright." Matthew chuckled as Tiffany raised up her arm. "Smile!" Ranboo just took off their mask and did a closed smile as Tiffany took the picture.

"Put it away now," Charlie said as Tiffany put away her phone on the nearby table.

At night..

It was about 8:00 now. Ranboo got a spare toothbrush and everything and was about to go to bed until Charlie went inside their room. "Hey! Movie time!" Ranboo looked up at him. "What's movie time?" Charie grabbed their hand, "You'll see! Cmon!" Charlie dragged Ranboo downstairs and onto the couch. "We have this tradition, well not really, we always watch a movie on Saturday nights." Charlie sat Ranboo down in the middle of him and Matthew and gave everyone a blanket. "What do you like to watch?" Matthew asked.

"Uhm.. Nothing in particular." Ranboo shrugged as Matthew flipped through the movies. "We'll watch rescued by Ruby (I love that movie sm)." Matthew turned it on. Everyone started watching. Soon enough, they were all invested.


Everyone is asleep. Ranboo seems to be the most comfortable. Ranboo was asleep on Matthew's lap, Tiffany was asleep on the ground with their dog, Vanilla. And Charlie was asleep just sitting up. Ranboo was curled up, Matthew was just letting it happen.

Guess the heart chooses who your family is and not your blood.


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