Im sorry. 🥀

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Genloss AU!

3rd person POV
Ranboo sat on the couch.

It has been a week since they finally escaped the mall with Charlie and Sneeg.

Although the mall left one thing that the 3 couldn't get rid of.

Fucking trauma.

Sneeg can no longer look at basic human anatomy without freaking out.

He manages to hide it, though.

Charlie can't STAND looking at slimey things anymore.

It always gives him the urge to throw up.

Ranboo, however.

Ranboo can't even look at their reflection for too long without thinking Hetch-

Hell, even Squiggles.

Might come out of nowhere, grabbing their shoulders or pulling them in a chokehold, dragging them god knows where.

Ranboo began bouncing their leg to ease away the stress just by thinking about it.

The pure darkness that flashed before them.

The tight grip he was being held in when Hetch caught them.

Watching everyone die.

Not being able to listen to anyone if they're too loud otherwise, they'd start crying.

They hated it.

They hated everything.

Ranboo started tapping on their glass of water.

Ranboo stared at the TV.

Too loud..

Too much screaming..

Ranboo squeezed their eyes shut.

Someone was talking to them.

But it came out in...

A mumble?

"-boo?" Charlie's faint voice called again.

Ranboo felt tears go down their face.

"RANBOO! SNEEG! SNEEG GET OVER HERE!" Charlie shouted as he saw Sneeg run over.

"Oh my god- RANBOO! RANBOO ARE YOU OK?!" Sneeg screamed, clutching Ranboo's shoulder.

"I-I-" Ranboo cried out, holding their head in their hands.

"RANBOO!" Charlie shouted.

"Im sorry.." Ranboo muttered, crying into their lap now.

"Sorry for what?! Ranboo, stay with us!" Charlie screamed, making Ranboo look up at him.

"IM SORRY! IM SO SORRY! PLEASE!" Ranboo screamed on top of their lungs, crying into Sneeg's shoulder.

"Hey..! Ranboo! It's ok! It's ok!" Charlie repeated.


"No, you're not! It's ok! You're not in the mall anymore!" Sneeg said suddenly.

"I-I-" Ranboo still kept their eyes shut, refusing to open them at all.


"L-Loud.." Ranboo mumbled.

"Sorry-" Charlie replied as Sneeg turned off the TV.

"Hey- Ranboo- breathe with me.. Are you ready?" Sneeg asked, sitting next to the other.

Ranboo nodded.

"In, 1, 2, 3, out, 1, 2, 3." Sneeg repeated while Ranboo followed, soon calming down.

"I-Im sor-sorry.." Ranboo hiccupped, leaning against Sneeg. (Stfu this isn't in a romantic way. They're brothers here.)

"It's alright, Ranboo." Sneeg said, wrapping an arm around Ranboo.

Charlie smiled.

"I'll go make dinner." Charlie said before leaving.


"Alright, guys; dinner is ready-" Charlie stopped seeing that Ranboo and Sneeg were asleep.

Ranboo was still leaning against Sneeg, with Sneeg having an arm around Ranboo.

"Yeah.. Ok.. I'll have dinner by myself.."

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