car ride.. 🌹

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Background info: Everyone is excited their going on a trip! But then Ranboo drives.. Then it's not so pleasent..

Ranboo POV
Im in a car with Tommy, Bill, and Aimsey! I just stopped for gas about 15 minutes ago and were on the road again! "CHANGE THE RADIO STATION!" Aimsey, who was in the very back, yelled at Bill, who was in the front seat. "NO YOU SHORT ASS BI-" Bill was cut off by a horn. A damn horn. "Did they just honk us?!" I asked everyone else. "Ran, it's fine. They probably didn't even mean to do it." Bill said. "HELL NO! THEY FOR SURE DID IT AT US!" Tommy screamed, and hell, that was the thing that made me do whatever I did.

I honked the horn, "YEAH YOU WHORE! I GOT A HORN TOO!" I honked at them a couple more times before stopping. "Swear to God everyone is so stupid now a days.." I mumbled. I look up in the mirror to see everyone's jaw dropped. "What happened?" I asked, stopping at the red light. "You- You just.." Aimsey's voice trailed off. "I what?" I asked, wondering what I did. "You just called the guy a whore!" Tommy said suddenly. "So? That was badass!" Bill gave me a high five, then the light turned green.

I waited for 10 seconds, but the car in front didn't move. I rolled down my window, "MOVE YOU WHORE! PEOPLE GOT PLACES TO BE!" I honked at the guy, then they finally moved. "See what I mean by people are stupid now a days? Goddamn.." I mumbled the last part. "You did it again!" Aimsey pointed out. "Well its not my fault their being annoying, is it?" I snapped back, making everyone flinch. We were back on the road again, completely silent.

Until that is.. We pulled over. Someone honked at us. Someone honked. "OH THAT WHORE." I yelled, whipping my head around. "Love, calm down..!" Tommy said. "NO. IM NOT GONNA CALM DOWN." I screeched. "YOU WANNA FUCKING GO?!" I screamed, sticking half of my body out of the window. "YEAH, I WANNA GO!" They screamed back. And hell no, I'm not letting that slide. "No- Ran- don-" I cut everyone off. "IM NOT LETTING THAT SLIDE. GET THE HELL OUT YOUR CAR."


3rd person POV
Ranboo is now in the passenger's seat. And Bill was in the driver's. "I don't think we should've given them the fruit roll ups.." Bill said. "Shut up." Said a fed up Ranboo as blood dripped from their nose. "Um.. I got it on video..?" Aimsey said, a little proud. "Is that gonna change the fact that Ran literally gave the guy a black eye and bruises?" Tommy asked the short brunette. "I just posted it." Aimsey said suddenly. "YOU WHAT?" Ranboo screamed. "I posted the whole video!" And of course, Ranboo didn't like that. So, he unclicked their seatbelt, AND LAUNCHED TOWARDS AIMSEY.


"Atleast were here at the hotel..?" Bill said, trying to make things less awkward.

"Shut up."

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