Chapter 17

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"Kaito.", a voice suddenly called me.


I got startled.


"Kaito.", Gakupo said again my name and went near to me.

Badump Badump Badump Badump

"Ah! I-I just cooked the breakfast. A-and y-yeah, I-I am just heating the water for the coffee.", I said nervously but bumped myself to the chair.

Badump Badump Badump Badump

"You okay?", Gakupo asked and gently supported me.


"Ah! S-s-sorry! I-I'm okay.", I just answered and looked down.

Badump Badump Badump Badump

"I'm actually going out again to find a job.", he said.

Badump Badump Badump Badump

"I-I see..."

Badump Badump Badump Badump

WHAT'S WITH THIS???!!!!!!!!! IT'S SO AWKWARD!!!!!!!!!

Badump Badump Badump Badump




S I L E N C E . . .




"I'm sorry...", Gakupo suddenly said.


I got shocked.

"Looks like I made everything worst... and it must be awkward for you now...", he said with a sad expression.


"Gak –", I'm just saying his name but...

"But... I'm not going to take it back, Kaito. I'm serious when I said that and I'm hoping that you'll consider my feelings... someday...", he said and looked into my eyes.



It just happened yesterday...

His sudden confession to me...

"I don't want to be only just your friend, Kaito. I don't want to be only that."


I was really shocked with that... mostly... I was treating him as a friend... and as a family... And I was not on the other side (means gay)...  

"But... I'm a man... We're both men. There's no point for us...", I said and lowered my head.


Turning him down???...

I guess...

That's the only choice and solution for this...

"I never looked to you like that... I never looked to our gender...", he said.


I looked back to him.

"And I believe that in liking or loving someone... nothing ever matters...", he said with pursuing eyes.

I was shocked.


"I'm not forcing you to answer me today nor tomorrow... I can wait... I will wait...", he said too.

I was so ashamed with myself... I can't even speak with our situation...

"I have lived for a hundred years and I just felt this way for the first time... So... my intentions are true and my love is absolute.", he seriously said to me.




Looks like... I will have a very big problem here...

And... what's this?...

Am I the girl here???

Being courted???

Being persuaded???

This is really a very big PROBLEM...

"I can't give you a concrete answer for now... And I can't promise you anything...", all I said.

"It's fine. Don't trouble yourself for now."

I really don't know if it's the right thing to do not to turn him down immediately... but... who knows what will happen next...

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now