Chapter 5

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“Baka. I’m your doll.”, he said.

“Oh I see! You’re my doll!”, I just said.

My doll huh?...


“W-WHO ARE YOU AGAIN???!!!!!”, I exclaimed in shock.

“I’m Gakupo.”, he answered.


No… No… No… Wait… I can’t take this anymore…

“It’s me.”, he insisted.

Everything’s impossible… I can’t bear them… I can’t hear and know things more…


I got surprised.

I have to escape…

“Ah! I-I forgot!!!! I got to go.”, I just said and looked away.

“Huh? Where are you going?”, he asked immediately.

“I-I have classes! A-and work!”, I said to him and walked to the bathroom.

“But –“

“And we have group project too so I’ll be late!”, I lied.

“Okay. I’ll be waiting.”, he said.

No! No! You’re kidding me!!!!!! How can a doll be turned into a human??!!!! IT’S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!! I… I DON’T WANT THAT DOLL ANYMORE!!!!!


Break time…

“Are you ok?”, Yohio asked me.

“I don’t know…”, I said to him.

“How come you don’t know?”, he asked again.

“There’s just something wrong that happened to me this morning…”, I answered.

“So that’s why you’re late???”

“AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!!! I DON’T WANT TO GO HOME!!!!!!!”, I just shout in frustrations.

But wait…

“Yohio, you love supernatural phenomenon, right?”, I asked him.

“Why ask?”, he asked back clueless.

“Uhh… I-I just ask. Ehehe~ But!!! D-do you believe that a doll can turn to human???”, I eagerly asked him.

“Eh? It depends actually.”


“Umm… How can I put this so that you’ll understand? Hmm… Well it can be a demon possessing that doll or in ancient times, there’s this ritual turning a human into a doll.”, Yohio answered.

I got shocked.

“…a demon possessing that doll”

“T-then, why is a demon going to possess a doll?”, I asked again.

I’m getting afraid now…

“It also depends but in mostly way, it’s the easiest way to lure a soul. In an instance, dolls or some stuff things are easy to be attached in someone’s heart and by that the demon will little by little eat the person’s soul.”


I-is that the reason why…

"Don't do this again! Don't get this doll again! Do you understand?!"

…grandma didn’t want me to get close to that doll?...

“Hey, Kaito, why?”, Yohio suddenly asked.

“Uhh… Nothing… I just watched a movie…”

“Eh? Do you have tv in your house?”

I got pissed.

“I WATCHED IT IN MY CO-WORKER’S HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I exclaimed.

He laughed. “Sorry~ Sorry~”

“But, Yohio! Do you know someone who can give me a thing that can use against demons or any evil stuffs???”

“Hey! Don’t tell me you’re really believing it?!”, Yohio said and burst out of laugh. “Of course, it’s not proven if it’s true and maybe it just happened a long time ago.”, he continued.

Well it does happen to me now… but I really can’t tell Yohio about the doll…

“Aarrgghh!!!! Just answer me!”, I just said in piss.

“Okay. Okay. Hmm~ Yeah~”, he answered.

“Can we go after classes?”

“Umm… ok?”


At work…

“What’s that?”, Kiyo asked.

I’m currently holding papers from that supernatural expert.

“Uhh… N-nothing.”

“Are you really okay? You looked like so stress.”

“I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

Sorry… Kiyo, I can’t tell you… TT^TT

But… what if he’s really a demon…

I got shocked and started to tremble.

I… I can’t fight him…

I’m… I’m afraid of him… I’M AFRAID OF THAT DOLL…

In the end, I never went home and took an overnight sleep in Kiyo’s house.

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now