Chapter 21

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"Lay down!", the man ordered but...

I just looked away and showed strongly that I won't be ordered around.

One of the bodyguards suddenly grabbed my hair...

"Kaito-kun, that's not good~ You should know how to obey.", he said.

"F*ck you. Just kill me if you want!", all I said.

Then, the man slapped my face.

"For a f*cking product like you to act like that, you're looking at yourself as if you're so high!", he exclaimed in irritation and pushed my head to the bed.

I am so mad right now...

Really mad...

But I can't do anything...

I'm worthless, coward... and weak...

For all my life now... all I can remember are my misfortunes...

I should just die...

I should die...

"F*ck this guy now!", he exclaimed and went away.

Let me just die...



...since no one's going to save me...

I closed my eyes and felt another man held my arm but...

...the door suddenly opened...

"Hey! Who are you?!", a voice suddenly shouted but I just continued on closing my eyes.

I don't care now...

My life is not worth to give a damn about...

"Hey! Hey!!!"

Then, afterward... I just heard a frightened scream and I immediately opened my eyes and looked to what was really happening and...

Just that...




I saw him...


I saw Gakupo...


He came for me...



"Gak –", I was just going to say his name but...

He slashed a man's arm who was holding the camera that time.



I was speechless and jawdrop with what happened.

W-what did I see?...

WHAT DID I SEEE???!!!!!!!!!


I suddenly heard a scream in pain and looked to where it came from and saw one of the pornstars was lying on the floor and had no hand at all.



I don't know...

I don't know...


W-what's happening?...


"W-WHO REALLY ARE YOU???!!!!! WHO ARE YOU???!!!!!!!!!!", the man (who recruited me) shouted in fear and walking backward while Gakupo's walking toward him.

But from walking backward, the man suddenly stumbled down on the floor.

And Gakupo wass just walking toward him while licking his full of blood katana like it was really made to kill.

I was trembling from fear...

Really scared...

Really really scared...

I never witnessed this kind of thing...

And I never witnessed this kind of Gakupo...




W-who's this Gakupo?...

I don't know...

I don't know this side of him...

"PLEASE!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!! I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", the man shouted desperately and repeatedly.

But Gakupo was all smirking and enjoying what's happening and looked like he's not hearing anything...

"PLEASE!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Then, Gakupo just raised his katana and was going to slash when...


"STOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE DON'T KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I shouted.

Then, he stopped from swaying his sword.

"Don't... Don't kill.. Please don't kill...", I cried but still with a trembling hands in fear. "I NEVER WISHED TO BE SAVED BY KILLING PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I exclaimed and buried my face on the bed.


Why it's like this?...


GAKUPO, WHO REALLY ARE YOU???!!!!!!!!!!!...

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