Chapter 6

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I decided not to go home and slept in Kiyo’s house but tomorrow after work…

“Kiyo… Let me sleep in your house again…”, I begged.

“Eh? Kaito, if you have problem in your house, you should solve it. And if you’re just afraid to go home, why in that age you got scared??? Grow up.”, Kiyo said and sighed.

“B-but!!! BUT!!!!!”, I cried to please him.

“Kaito, enough…”

“Please!!!! PLEASE, KIYO!!!!!!!!!!!”, I hugged him. TTATT

But when I looked at the front…

I saw a long purple-haired man wearing a flowery kimono standing and looking at me.

I got shocked.

I-IT’S HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“D-do you know him?”, Kiyo asked me with shock in his eyes.

I just nodded.


We went home and no one tried to speak.

I have to be alert; if he’ll do something suspicious I have no choice but to use it against him! *holds tight the papers*

“You just have to tamper these papers to the demon.”, the supernatural expert said.

LORD!!!!!! GUIDE ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!

“Where did you go?”, he asked.

“I-I told you we have group project, right?”, I nervously answered while looking away.

SH*T!!!!! He’s asking me now!!!!!!!

“But I heard you a while ago, you’re planning not to go home again.”, he calmly said.

“I-I just want to sleep in my friend’s house. Is that wrong?”, I said and still not looking at him.

S I L E N C E . . .

“Kaito…”, he called my name and on the act of touching my face.


But I got afraid.


“YYYYAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I screamed and immediately tampered all of the papers on his face and body.

“D-DIE, DEMON!!!!!!!”, I shouted at him while shutting my eyes and made my pointing fingers crossed.

But nothing happened…

I slowly opened my eyes and just saw him removing the papers.

*eye twitching* “A-are you not going to shout or act being hurt???”, I asked him nervously.

He did not speak and continue on removing all of the papers.

S-so h-he’s… NOT A DEMON??!!!!!

WWWWAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! WHAT I’VE DONE????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O-or!!!!! It’s just a fake supernatural expert??!!!!!

HE FOOLED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“You…”, he began to speak.

I got startled.

“You hate me in this form?”, he asked with a sad expression.



S I L E N C E . . .

“I actually don’t know what you mean by “traffic” but I guess it sucks to be trapped in it.”, he said to break the silence.

I got shocked.

“But I know the feeling of doing something over and over again and it’s really boring.”


“I know too the feeling of being pitied by people but I never once believe them.”


 “And I know… the feeling of being alone and it happened to me many times… But the worst feeling is to wait for someone to come back even you don’t know until when…”



What I’ve done???...


This doll…

…he never missed listening to me… and waiting for me…

I cried loudly. “Sorry… Sorry… Gakupo!!!!! Gakupo!!!!! Sorry!!!!! SORRY!!!!!!! I’m really really sorry!!!!! Sorry!!!!!”, I said to him full of regrets and immediately hugged him.

He hugged me back.

“Sorry!!!!! Sorry!!!!! SORRY!!!!!!!”, I continued on apologizing to him and keep on hugging him so tight.

He patted my head but after several minutes…

Gakupo collapsed...

“H-Hey!!! HEY!!!! D-don’t tell me you’re dying??!!!!!”, I worriedly said.

“Kaito…”, he said weakly… “I’m…”, he added but getting hard time to speak more.

“No!!! No!!!! No, Gakupo!!!! Don’t leave me!!!!!!”, I said again worriedly. “Get a hold of yourself!! Stay with me!!!!”, I added and shaking him a bit.

“Kaito…”, he said weakly again…

Then his stomach growled…

“I’m hungry…”, he completed weakly.


“IF YOU’RE HUNGRY TELL IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DIE???!!!!!!!”, I exclaimed to him.

But this was my entire fault… I just sighed deeply.

Actually I’d never been alone… I’d never been alone in this life… because Gakupo’s here… He’s always at my side listening quietly.

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now