Special Chapter

536 27 6

"Hmm... He's still not here.", I said to myself while looking at my watch. "I hope I didn't scare him off when I invited him..."

Then, I heard footsteps running quickly and it was...

"I-I'm so sorry for being late, Kamui-san! I didn't finish some paperworks on time! I'm really sorry!", he apologized while bowing his head continuously.

He was still out of breath for running immediately to be here.





I was on the act of touching his head when he stopped his bowing.

"It's fine. No worries.", I said, putting my hand in my pocket and smiled at him.

"Thank you very much.", he said and smiled happily.


I need to control myself.

I don't want to scare him off.

"Don't fucking scare him, Gakupo or you will screw up everything you've been waiting for.", I mumbled to myself.

"Is there something you're saying, Sir?", he asked.

I sighed softly.

What am I?

A kid?

I won't screw up this perfect night.

"Oh. It's nothing. Let's go~", I said and smiled at him.


"You didn't like their food?", I asked as I saw him not eating his food.


"E-Eh? N-No, Sir...", he shyly said and just lowered his head.

"You don't have to call me Sir here. We're not in the office anymore. Gakupo is fine.", I said and chuckled softly.

"B-but that's impossible, Sir.", he said with panic.

I chuckled.

Ah. I'm getting excited.

It has been a while since I last saw him.

I'm beaming of happiness.

I can't help it.

"Then, Gakupo-san is fine for me.", I said to him.

"Are you really sure?"

"Of course."




"O-Okay, Gakupo-san...", he answered, having a blushing face.


"You should try their food. It's delicious."

"Y-Yes... T-thank you, Gakupo-san. This is my first time in a fancy restaurant..."




Must be because of the curse...

For sure, he was going through a lot of problems...

"Really? I'm glad I brought you here.", I said to him. "Let's have a toast~", I added and raised my glass.

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now