Chapter 9

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Tomorrow after work…

I sighed. “So tired…”, I said to myself…

I knocked at the door and Gakupo immediately opened it.

“Welcome back.”, he said.

“Thanks. I just bought instant noodles… Is that okay?”, I asked him.

“It’s fine but…”

“What?”, I asked clueless.

“What should I do with this man?”, he asked and brought out a man tied up.

I got shocked.

“WWWWAAAAHHHH!!!!!! Gakupo!!!!!”, I hurriedly untied the man.

“Huh? He’s a suspicious guy looking inside of the house.”, Gakupo said.

“What are you doing?!!!! He’s just a mail man!!!!!!”, I exclaimed.


“We’re very sorry, Sir!!!!!”, I apologized to the poor man.

“Thank you very much because you came!!!”, the man said being afraid.

=_____=” Gakupo did something to him…

“Here. Here’s your letter.”, he said and gave me a letter.

“T-thank you.”, I just said. “Umm.. Want to eat dinner with us?”, I asked.

“N-no! I got to go!”, he said and went out.

“GAKUPO!!!!! WHAT HAD YOU DONE???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I exclaimed so hard.

“I said I’m sorry, right?”

“Aaarrggghhh!!!!! Cook this noodles and I’ll read this letter.”, I said and sighed.


After he went to the kitchen…

I started reading the letter…




“Kaito, what are these?”, he asked me while holding seasoning sachets.

I sighed deeply.

“I want to die now…”, I said in low tone.

“Kaito.”, he called me.

I looked to him.

And saw him pulling out his katana and his face was so serious.

I got shocked.

“Eh?? G-Gakupo???!!!!!”, I said in shock.

Don’t move. I’ll make this quicker and PAINLESS.”, he seriously said.


“WWWWHHHHAAAAATTTTTT???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I just exclaimed in shock.

He waved his katana.

“G-Gakupo… A-are you out of your mind?”, I asked him nervously.

“Don’t worry. I won’t slash your face as you requested before.”, he said seriously.

I gulped.

“Ahaha~ G-Gakupo!!!! W-what are you saying there???!!! Are you out of your mind again??!!!!”, I said to him and laughed awkwardly.

“Huh? I’m doing this as you requested. Be honored. You don’t have to carry the guilt of killing your own life.”, he said.

“Ahaha~ I have no idea of what you’re saying, Gakupo~~~”, I said to him and laughed awkwardly again. “You should put your sword down. It’s dangerous.”, I added but…

He swayed his sword without a word.

“YYYAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I screamed and fell into my knees that saved me.

I crawled backwards while looking at him.

“GAKUPO!!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS???!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I exclaimed to him while trembling so hard.

I SAID DON’T MOVE!!!! As I said to you, I will make this quicker and painless!!!!”, he said.


“Don’t worry after getting your life, I’ll end my life too.”, he said.

“HOW CAN YOU SAY SUCH THINGS???!!!!! AND HOW CAN I DON’T WORRY???!!!!!!!!!!”, I exclaimed to him so hard.


He just swayed his sword again and luckily, I dodged it.


ALMOST!!!!!! HE’S REALLY GOING TO KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Tsk! I missed.”, he said with irritation.

“YOU DIDN’T MISS IT!!!!!!!!! I DODGED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I exclaimed to him so hard. >A<

“I won’t miss this time.”, he said.

I got shocked.

Then, he’s on another move again when…

“I SAID SSSSTTTTTOOOOOPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I exclaimed and shut my eyes in fear.

He did stop.

“But you just said that you want to die.”, Gakupo said.

“EEEhhhh???!!!!! When???!!!!”, I asked in shock.

“A while ago.”, he answered.

“I don’t remember that!!!!!”

“You did say that.”

 “If I did say that it’s just an expression!!!!!”, I exclaimed.

“Well if we’re going to say that thing, we mean it.”, he said.

“WELL THAT’S ON YOUR TIME!!!!!”, I exclaimed in piss.


I just sighed.

I really have more problems with him! =____=


At night…

I still have a year to pay all the debts…

How???... How can I do that???... It’s impossible…

I lowered my head.

Why???... Why am I experiencing this kind of fortune???... Am I a bad person???

What can I do???...

Then… I just felt drops of water falling from my eyes…

I don’t want… I don’t want to give up this house…

“What should I do???...”, I said to myself and covered my face using my hands.

I should cry silently or else… Gakupo might wak-

 “Kaito?”, Gakupo suddenly called me.

“Are you crying?”

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now