Chapter 8

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Tomorrow morning…

I stretched my arms and yawned loudly.

“Wow~~~ I have a good sleep~~~”, I said happily and slowly opened my eyes…


I saw a face of a person looking at me…

I suddenly awaken.

My face: O_______O!!!!

“Morning.”, he greeted.

“YYYYAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!”, I screamed.

Gakupo’s face: =_______=

“GAKUPO!!!!!!! YOU’RE SCARING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I exclaimed to him and panted so hard.

“I’m waiting for you to wake up.”, he said.

“AND WHY??!!!!”, I exclaimed with irritation.

“How long do you intend me to wear just these clothes?”, he asked and looked at himself.

“Huh?”, I just said and sat up.

“When are you going to buy my clothes?”, he asked directly.


“When are you going to KACHING my clothes?”

Aarrggghhh… the sound of money… *facepalm*

“Hey.”, he called me again.

“I still don’t have money…”, I answered.

He stared at me.

“You know, Gakupo…”

“Kaito… Please… Buy me clothes… I can’t wear these forever… Please…”, he pleaded and purr.

O_____O!!! Did I just hear him “purr”???

I sighed. He does look like a cat pleading…

“Sorry, Gakupo… I still don’t have money to buy you clothes. Maybe next time?”

He blankly stared at me.

We stared to each other.

“HOHOHO! I’M THE SUPER ULTRA MEGA THUNDER MASTER!!!!!”, he began to speak and stood up while crossing his arms.



“I’m friend of those weak and justice is in my hands!”, he continued.




Super Ultra Mega Thunder Punch!!!! BBBBOOOGGSSSHHH!!!!”, he said and punched in the air (Imagining a tall guy wearing Samurai Kimono speaking and acting like that and it’s Gakupo, what you will do??? -.-).

“WWWWAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I DON’T WANT!!!!! I DON’T WANT TO REMEMBER THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I screamed and covered my ears while shutting my eyes.

“Super Ultra Mega Thunder Kick!!!!!!!!”, he said and kicked in the air.

“UUUWWWAAAAHHHH!!!!!! I DON’T WANT TO REMEMBER THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SSSSSSTTTTTOOOOOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!”, I shouted in embarrassment and rolled at the floor.

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now