Chapter 24

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"Where should I put these?", Gakupo asked while holding the pillow cloths.

"You can just put them there.", I said and pointed his finger on a drawer.

"Okay.", he just said and walked toward the drawer.


Well it's a nice improvement.

Gakupo's being fine as the days passed by.

I was so happy that little by little he's getting moved on from what happened.

He's starting to do the chores again and talked more.

But it's just that he hid his katana since then and I don't have any idea where did he put it but... it'll be fine since that thing could just bring back bad memories...

"Gakupo... Would you like to go out later?", I asked him.

"Huh? Where?"

"Just have some walk somewhere.", I just answered.

"Like a date?", he asked suddenly.


"Ahahaha. F-Friendly date. Wait, where did you get that word?", I said and felt drops of sweat.

"...Ah... I just watched a show on tv and the character mentioned about date.", he just said and slowly looked down.

"Ah... I see..."

What the hell.

Does he know the meaning of date or not???!!!!!!

And what's this?!!!

He's becoming more frank than before.


"I love to.", he suddenly said.


"Let's go out later, Kaito.", he added and smiled.





=//////////= Wew. I felt embarrassed with that...


"Are you enjoying?", I asked him.

He looked to me and smiled.


"That's good."

Then, we sat on the bench near a tree.




S I L E N C E . . .








GIVE ME A TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SOMEONE GIVE ME A TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Kaito...", he suddenly called my name.

I got startled and looked to him.

"I really have to thank you for all of the good things you said to me before.", he seriously said but he's not looking at me.


"This second chance... I will appreciate and cherish this...", he said too.


"And God is so good for making me meet you in this second life... I believe that He used you to say that I can repent and have a new life."


"I really have nothing to wish for...", he said and looked to me with a warm smile.



"I really love you, Kaito...", he said softly.


And the wind blew gently and I really felt a pain on my chest.

My chest ached so much like I wanted to hug this person beside me to release it and felt a warm on my face.

It pained so much like I could hear my heart beat so fast.


I guess...


I guess...


From that...

I didn't know what to think or what to do...

I just found myself feeling the touch of Gakupo's hand on my cheek and his face was slowly getting nearer.


I'm aware...

I know what's happening...

I know what will happen next but...




...I can't seem to hate it.

It's just an inch before our lips meet when...

"Lovers? Pfft.", a voice suddenly said.

We stopped and looked to them and they were holding guns.

"Give us your money! Faster!", the other one shouted.




I held on Gakupo's hand and felt a big fear.

"Come on!", the second one said and pointed the gun on me.

"Cut it!", Gakupo suddenly stood up and swayed the gun away from me.


"What the!", the first one said and on the act of shooting him when he immediately punched the guy's face.


"Don't act so recklessly!", I shouted but...

I felt a sudden hit on my back and fell on the floor. I felt really weak that time... (Kaito was not shot.)

"Kaito!", Gakupo said in shock and punched the second guy who hit me.

But then... in a split second...

I heard a loud shot of gun.


My heart skipped a beat.

Just that...




Just that...


"G-Gaku –", I weakly said in shock and just that... Gakupo fell too... from being shot.

I felt like screaming but I couldn't because I was frozen for what happened...

Badump Badump Badump Badump

"G-Gak... G-Gaku... po...", I weakly said while reaching him who's covered with so much blood and unconscious.

Then, my vision slowly turned to black.

I never knew that they were your last words...

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now