Chapter 23

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I sighed.

It's been a week since...

"What do you want for lunch?", I asked him.

"Anything will do...", he only said and lowered his head.



He's always like that...

Lowering his head...

No eye contact...

And always quiet...

Since that incident happened, he totally changed...

Even me...

I'm still shocked...

That image...

That incident...

How he easily swayed his sword to cut a man's arm or even smirk from about to kill a person...

I don't know that side of him...

And I don't have a single idea about his past...





It surely gave him a big and deep wound inside...

"Are you just going to sit there all day?", I asked and sat beside him.

He looked to me.


"I'm sorry... I'm useless, Kaito..."


"Instead of helping you... I'm just here, rotting from all of the shameful things I'd done..."

"You still can't forget about that?"


He did not respond and looked away.




"You know, Gakupo... everybody is given a second chance..."

I saw him got shocked.

"You're here with me because God gave you a second chance.", I added and smiled.




"And no matter how dark your past is... as long as you're willing to make everything's right and to keep on moving toward to the good path, then, you have a reason to still live and be happy."




"Thank you for that, Kaito...", he closed his eyes and sobbed his lips like about to cry.

I could really see...

I could see all of his pains and regressions were written all over his face.

I just don't know what to do how to ease them at least...

"Tsk! Cheer up now, okay?", I said and gently tapped his forehead.

He stopped his expression and slowly looked to me.


"How can I fall for someone who's sadder than me?", I suddenly asked and saw him got more shocked.

Well... if this could help... why not?

"You can't make me fall for you if you'll be just like that.", I also said with a little bit of childish tone.

At least, to light up everything...

"I'm... I'm really sorry... I'm really really sorry, Kaito... I'm not a person to be depended on. I'm sorry...", he held my hand and gently rubbed it to his cheek.

My hand...

He's holding it sincerely...

I knew from the very start that he's sincere with his feelings for me...

But as I looked to him as my family in this world... it pained me to see him like this...

So I...

I just touched his cheek and looked into his eyes.

"So cheer up now, okay?"




"Yes.", he answered and smiled a bit.

I will cheer him up to the best that I can...

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now