Chapter 10

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What was this???... So dark... I can't see anything... What's this place???... I... I can't even move my body... This situation sucked... I hate this... Someone... help me please...




"Eh? A doll?", a voice just said.

Huh? Who's that? Then, I felt someone just held me.



"Beautiful...", a blue-haired kid said.

HHHUUUUHHHH???!!!!! W-WHO'S THIS KID????!!!!!!!!!!!

Then, he tried to move my head from left to right.


W-what are you doing???!!!!!!

Then he held my left hand and raised it.

AAARRGGGHH!!!! I can't do anything!!!!! THIS KID!!!!!!!

"HEY!!!!!!!!!!! BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!!!", I exclaimed.


"Did my hold hurt you?", he asked and gently loosen up his hold.

I was shocked.

"I-I'm not hurt!!!!! Just be careful!!!!!!!", I exclaimed to him again.

"I'm sorry.", he gently said and smiled.

Wow~ Looked like you can understand me... somewhat. But I will tell you, you can't use your smile to me you see!!!!! I just sighed. Who's this kid by the way???


"Kaito!!! Dear!!!", an old woman said in shock and hurriedly got me free from his hands.

HUH??!!!! What's happening????

"Don't do this again! Don't get this doll again! Do you understand?!", she said to the kid with worries and anger.

"B-but.. But...", he objected.

Then, she just put me inside the box again and my last sight to that kid... he's crying...

Why are you crying?... You don't have to cry. Stop it.

Then... all went to black again...

That kid shocked me but... can I be able to see his smile again???... Heh... In my dreams...

(Please see the Prologue for the connection. And Gakupo got his consciousness when Kaito removed all the ropes tied on the cabinet. Same with returning the ropes, he fell asleep again.)


"Hey.", a voice called out again.

Huh? What's this again?

"Are you listening?", he said again.

Huh??? I'm still sleepy... Leave me alone...

"Hey!", he said again and shook me off.


HHHHHUUUUHHHH????!!!!! Y-YOU AGAIN????!!!!!!!! I saw this damn brat again. The blue-haired kid. But he kept on shaking me.

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now