Chapter 25

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"Hnn...", I yawned and stretched my hands up.

So good...

It's so good to sleep...





I woke up immediately and sat as soon as possible.


W-why am I here?!!!!!

I got shocked upon seeing myself sitting on the sleeping mat in our house.


H-how did I get here????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Oh. You woke up at last.", a voice suddenly said.

I immediately looked to the person who talked and saw...


"Gakupo!", I hurriedly said and stood up but I just felt a sudden pain on the back where I was hit. "Ow!"

"Be careful!", he said and immediately supported me.

"A-Are you really fine? Are you really fine?!!!!!", I worriedly asked him and held his arms.

He smiled.


How could this be?...

What was I saw then?

What happened that time then?

"You were shot! The man shot you! I saw you fell on the floor!", I said in shock and began to panic.

"Eh?", he just said.

"I know! He shot you somewhere here!", I worriedly took off his shirt.


There's nothing in there...

No wound...

No scar...



I gasped.

"H-How could this be?! Y-You were covered with so much blood that time! How?!", I asked him worriedly.

"Kaito... calm down. Isn't it good that I was fine? And the guy did not hit me. I was not shot that time."


"Y-You're not shot?"

"Yes, he missed.", he said.


I sighed of a relief.

"Thank goodness... Thank goodness...", I said and slowly leaned my head on his chest.

I got afraid.

I really got afraid...

I thought...

I thought Gakupo will leave me too...

Thank you...

And felt drops of water fell from my eyes.

"Eh?! Kaito?! Why are you crying?!", he asked worriedly.

"Baka. It's because of you! Don't make such reckless things!!!!!!", I cried aloud.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

"Baka! Baka!"

"I'm sorry, okay?", he said and smiled a bit.


I did not respond but just hugged him.

"So we're all set now?", he cheerfully said.





I looked up to him and I just saw him grinning.


"YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!", I shouted after being pushed down on the mat.

"I know you're just making a move on me, Kaito.", he whispered to me.


Then, I just realized that he's topless and... I did remove his shirt a while ago... SHAMELESSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

"N-No! NO! Y-You got it wrong!!!!!!!!", I hurriedly panicked and struggled.

But Gakupo hugged me so tight.

"G-Gakupo!!!!!!!!!!!!", I struggled but he didn't let me go.

He even topped me and hugged me so tight.

"I love you, Kaito...", he said softly to my ear. "Let me stay with you..."



"B-B-BAKA!!!!!!!!!", I shouted trying to hide my embarrassment.

Badump Badump Badump Badump

"I'm waiting for you...", he said softly too. "I'm always waiting."

>///////>) So embarrassing...

But then when I looked at him...


I gasped.




I just saw his face...

He was like in trouble...

Like there's something troubling him...


But oh well...


As long as we're together...

Everything will be fine.

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now