Chapter 4

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“YOU’RE A COSPLAYER, AREN’T YOU????!!!!!!!!!!!”, I enthusiastically completed.

Stranger’s face: o_e *eye twitching*

“I-I’m right!!!!! Yeah!!!! You are!!!!”, I said again.

But the guy looked like he’s pissed.

“Ah! Eh! N-No???”, I asked him.

He sighed deeply.

“I-I’m so sorry!!!!! I’m sorry!!!!”, I apologized to him.


He slowly pulled out his katana from its scabbard.


“I-I’m so sorry!!!!!!! I’M REALLY SORRY!!!!!! I REALLY DON’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!”, I apologized to him again.

I can hear the sound of his katana as he waved it after pulling out from its scabbard.


“P-Please!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! DON’T KILL ME!!!!! GET ALL WHAT YOU WANT!!!!!! JUST DON’T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!! B-BUT REALLY I HAVE NOTHING TO GIVE YOU!!!!!!!! I ONLY HAVE MY CLOTHES IN ME AND THE SLEEPING MAT!!!!!!!!!!”, I begged for him and shut my eyes.

He did not speak.

“PLEASE!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! I BEG YOU!!!! PLEASE SPARE MY LIFE!!!!!!!”, I said to him and opened my eyes but…




It’s too late for me to escape when he swayed his sword to me.


My heart skipped a beat…

I got shocked and closed my eyes again.


I heard.

No… No… Why?! Why I don’t feel anything???!!!!

A-am I dead???!!!! Am I already dead???!!!!!

I slowly opened my eyes…

I… I don’t want to see my own blood scattered in the room…


Then I fully opened my eyes immediately as fast as possible and…

I’m not hurt!!!!! I’M NOT HURT!!!!!!

“M-MY BODY!!!!!! MY BODY!!!!!!! AHAHA! I-I’M ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I happily said and hugged myself.


I can use now my hands???

I got shocked.

H-he… he freed me???!

Then, I saw him walked to the sala and sat at the front of the window.


He quietly looked outside.

“W-who really are you???”, I asked him and went near him but still maintaining a big distance.

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