Chapter 11

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"Gakupo?", I called him.

"What?", he said.

"W-where are you going?", I just asked.

He's preparing himself.

"I'll find a work.", he seriously said.

WHAT???!!!!! O____O!!!!!!!

"Huh?! Are you sure?!", I asked him immediately.

"Yes.", he seriously answered.

"Wait! You know it's not easy to find a job!", I told him. "You need documents to do that.", I said to him.

"Then, I'll find a job that doesn't need any documents.", he just said.

"WAIT! Gakupo, this is not your time! It's very different! You can't just decide on your own!", I said to him and held his arm.

"I'll be fine."

"Gakupo!", I stopped him.

"Kaito, I want to help you. I won't just stay here and wait for your solutions."


"I told you I'm the one to wipe your tears...", he said.



"...and I'll be the one to stop you from doing that.", he said and went out.




I've been moved by him... *sniffs*


But wait................

It's like I was the girl here????!!!!! O_____O!!!!!!!!!!

Was he treating me like a girl???!!!!!!!! (Definitely, Kaito. =-=")

I just sighed. That guy...

Can he really find a job???...


Oh well~ Maybe I'll just do some general cleaning since it's Sunday.


I cleaned the kitchen, bathroom, sala, some of the rooms, and the storage room.

"This is really hard as expected... So tired...", I just said and laid down at the floor.

If Gakupo was here... maybe he can help me...

I just blankly stared at the ceiling.

"Kaito, don't play there!", mother said.


"Don't bring Gakupo there!", father said.


"Be sure to lock this room, okay?", grandma said.


Wow~ Looked like everything just happened yesterday... I can still hear their voices clearly...

My happy days... Can't I have them back???...

I curled my body and thought deeply.

Maybe not...

Then, I suddenly laid straightly and had some stretching but I kicked something. I looked at it and it's a box.

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now