Chapter 34

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"Gakupo, let's clean the whole house."




"Come on.", Kaito invited again while holding a broom.





Here we are with the cleaning again... =____________="

I sighed.

But then, I suddenly felt a poke on my forehead.


"Hmm~ Showing that expression again eh?", he said and pouted.

I just smiled.

"Come on!", he said and smiled.

As he stepped away...

"I love you, Kaito.", I suddenly said.

Then, he stopped from walking.

"I love you so much!", I said too.

"B-Baka!!!", he shouted with embarrassment.

"I love you so much! I really love you!", I kept on saying and walked with him.

After remembering everything that happened... I just loved Kaito more...

Really loved him more...

So this time, I'll be the one to watch him now...

I'll do anything to protect him...

I'll do my best to make us always together and happy...


At noon...




"So tired...", all I said and lay down on the floor.

I sighed deeply.

"You worked me so much.", I said to him while chuckling a little.

"At least, your big body has a worth now!", he said and sat down beside me after opening the window. (Actually... it's not an actual window. It's like a sliding door of a typical Japanese home style.)

We were in the living room.

"Kaito... Next time, let's go to a mountain or a farm and fly a kite.", I said to him and sat down.

"Pfft. What are you? A kid?", he said and smiled.

"Nah... I just want to do it...", all I said and felt embarrassed.

Even just once... I wanted to feel the happiness we did before even... he doesn't remember it now...

"Okay. We'll do that next time.", he said and touched my cheek.



I just don't know but... Kaito is just so gentle and sweet today...


As I looked at him, he's smiling happily.






My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now