Chapter 18

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I sighed heavily.

"Kaito.", Kiyo suddenly called me.

I was startled.

"What's happening to you?", he asked.

"Eh?", I just said.

"Your mind is always flying.", he said and sighed.

"Ah no! No! I-I-m just fine.", I just said to deny.

"You sure?", he asked again.

"O-Of course! Who won't be? I don't have any new problem as of now.", I just said.

=________=" "So you're not worrying about your current problems?"

"Ah no! It's not like that. At least, there's no added problem to my current problems.", I just said and smiled awkwardly.


I lied.

I really had a very big NEW PROBLEM.

And it's been a week since that new problem came to me... and it's hallowing me everyday in my simple and ordinary life...

"Well whatever with that. Help me in cleaning so we can go home.", he said and gave me the broom.





And now... I'm going home to see my new problem...

I hope my work hours will never stop...

I sighed deeply.


But on my way home...

Why am I so worked up?...

He already told me that he can wait...

Or should I just dump him?...

But... it will be awkward for us...





What should I do????!!!!!!!

Gakupo!!!!! Baka!!!!!

You're not thinking!!!!!!!!


I had too many problems to think than this!!!

What am I doing?!!!

I sighed deeply and stopped from walking.



I had too many big problems to think of...

What should I do?...

"Hey you.", a guy called me out of nowhere.

I got shocked.

"H-huh? Me?", I asked.

"Yeah.", he said and walked toward me.

OAO!!!!!!!! D-don't tell me??!!!!!

"W-why?", I asked in nervous. "I-I don't have any money! And that's my problem, right now!", I got scared.

"Eh? What are you saying there?", he asked. "The reason why I called you because you look like you have a very big problem there."

"Uhh... y-yeah?", I just said.

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now