Chapter 15

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It's Sunday so I have no school and work. Maybe I'll just clean the house.


And also Gakupo went out early this morning to find a work.

"He's really not saying a thing...", I just said. "Maybe he's all disappointed with me 'coz I touched his katana without permission.", I added.

I'm the worst ever living person in this world.


"Goodafternoon! We're from the bank.", a voice called out.



I hurriedly went to the door and opened it.

"Goodafternoon, Sir. We're here again to get something from your house.", a man said.

"Eh?! B-but I just paid the bank for this month?!", I asked in shock.

"We're very sorry, Sir but it's not enough for the interest.", he answered.

"No! I will pay soon. Don't just get anything!", I exclaimed.

"Get a thing you think that's worthy.", he just said and ignored me.

Then, three of his members went inside.

"HHHUUUHHH???!!!!!!!!!! STOP!!!! You're abusing my rights!", I just exclaimed and started panicking. "I will pay as soon as I get my salary! Don't do this!", I exclaimed again.

"Forgive us, Sir but it's part of our job.", he just said.

"Why?... Why is this happening to me?... Why?... My own house... I can't do a thing to protect it...", I said to myself and just sat down on the floor while crying.

"I can't find anything.", one of his members said.

"Me too.", the other one said.

"Eh? Really?", the man said.


I have nothing left... I have nothing...

"I found a katana.", the third one said.


"Whoa! Looks like it's antique!", the second one said in shock.

No... No...

"Wow, I can't believe there's still an old katana in this kind of house.", the first one said.

"That will really cost a lot.", the leader said.


No! NNNNNOOO!!!!!!!!!!

"PLEASE!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET ALL WHAT YOU WANT BUT NOT THAT KATANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I exclaimed and stood up.

They just looked at me but ignored of what I said. They just walked outside and carried the katana with them.

"WAIT!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE NOT THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I begged and grabbed Gakupo's katana.

"Why don't you just give this thing up? This can pay all your debts!", the leader exclaimed and strongly held the katana.

I got shocked.

"C-can pay???", I just said in shock.

"It's antique and it can cost a million or a billion!", he answered.





"This katana is my life..."


I got my wallet from my pocket and scattered all the money in it.

I saw them got shocked.

"I'll pay everything I have to my debts but not this one! Get all what you want BUT NOT THIS ONE!", I exclaimed and started crying.

They did not speak a thing.

"My scarf costs a 20! My shoes cost a 100! Get them if you want!", I shouted again and removed my scarf and shoes but...




"You're pathetic...", the leader said.



Those words were like a slap on my face.

"Don't mind him.", he just said.

I got shocked.

"But, boss...", the other three said.

"Please!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I begged again.

"Put that in the car.", he said.

"I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I insisted.

"If you want to get away from this problem, you should learn to give up your things even how much they mean to you.", he said.


Yeah... He's right... He's really right...







But that katana was not just a thing...



.'s Gakupo's life.

I immediately took the katana and ran with it.

"Hey!", the leader shouted.

I can give up everything. The house... they can get it! But not my only friend!!!!


I won't do anything that will upset Gakupo again!

This is my own problem...

"I will help you, Kaito."

...and Gakupo has nothing to sacrifice for this.

"Stop!", they shouted.

I didn't mind them and kept on running but...




When I'm on the road, a fast-running car appeared...

I got shocked and got frozen... (not literally =-=)

"Was this really my end?", all I asked to myself.

Sorry 'cause in the end, I can't save your life, Gakupo...

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now