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When I was young, my family always taking a vacation at grandma's house. But... whenever I visited her room, there's a strange cabinet. I can't help myself but to be curious what's inside of it. Until one time...

"Wait here, dear.", grandma said as she went out the room.

I stayed from my sit and blankly stared at the cabinet which was basically, in front of me. It's a huge and very old brown cabinet with too many ropes tied on it.


Without knowing, I went near it.... and carefully loosen up the ropes around it. Little by little... Carefully removing all of them...


As I opened the cabinet, it was full of weird things. I had no idea what kind of things were they but each of them was in a jar. They scared me out at first, but I was more curious on the top of the cabinet. It's a little squared-cabinet. I immediately looked back if there's someone but luckily, there's none. Then, I got a chair from sala and put it in front of the cabinet to reach that drawer. And I saw...


...a doll.

It had a long purple hair with an appearance of a traditional samurai in a beautiful flowery kimono.

"Beautiful...", the only thing came to my mind.

As I observed it, it was made of porcelain. Very fragile... Very beautiful... Yet very mystical...

I stared for it for more minutes, then, I suddenly saw how its eyes shone.


It's like talking to me...

"Did my hold hurt you?", I asked and gently loosen up my hold.

Its eyes shone again.

"I'm sorry.", I gently said to it and smiled.


"Kaito!!! Dear!!!", grandma said in shock and hurriedly got the doll free from my hands.

I got shocked.

"Don't do this again! Don't get this doll again! Do you understand?!", as she said to me with worries and anger.

"B-but.. But..."

And because of that, I'm not allowed to go inside my grandma's room anymore.


After three days...

I totally forgotten about that doll and got bored immediately at grandma's house...

"Kaito.", my mother called me.

I went near her and sat on her lap.

"Why are you sad?", she asked in her soft voice and poked my nose.

I immediately covered my nose. "I don't have any friends here...", I answered.

"Oh~ my little Kaito is very sad~ Mama is sad now too~~~", she said as she huggled me.

You don't look like sad... =___=

"But don't worry, I have someone to introduce to you.", she said cheerfully and freed me from her hug.

"Who?", I asked and sat properly again on her lap.

"Him.", she said and showed the doll before.

I got surprised.

"B-but grandma will be mad..."

"No, it's fine. Mama talked to grandma.", she said. "And I have something to tell you, my dear~", she continued.


She put her pointing finger against her lips and said, "Ssshhh~ I have a secret to tell you."


"This doll... he can hear you.", she gently whispered to me.

I got surprised.

"But what is his name?", I asked her.

"His name is... Gakupo.", she answered. "Kaito, son, whenever you feel sad or happy, talk it to him and he'll definitely listen to you.", she continued.


"Definitely.", she answered.


From that, I always talked to that doll. Always. Always...

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now