Chapter 2

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My classes went fine and we don’t have assignments too.

“How are your classes?”, Kiyoteru asked me.

“Fine.”, I answered and started on wiping a table.

“Fine? Really?”, he teased me.

“Yeah~ Yeah~”, I just said.

“I hope we’ll have more customers.”, he randomly said.


And after my work, I went immediately at home.

I don’t know why but… I’m really not feeling well…

“Why?”, I asked myself.

And when I get there…

I turned on the light and put my things at the floor.

As usual, there’s nothing…


I saw a letter taped at the wall.

“Letter?”, I just asked myself.

I get it immediately and read it.

Even the house… they’re getting it…

Ah… My eyes were blurring again… then, I started to wipe them.

Little by little I felt drops of water falling into my cheeks.

I know… I know I’m too desperate to wish to have someone by my side… but… can I?

It’s lonely to be alone in this life…

I have nothing… And I have no one to rely on…

Being alone in this life… is the worst thing ever…

These hardships I’m encountering… I know I can make them. Though… I’m not hoping for someone to save me from this situation or pulled me up from being crashed down…

But at least… someone…

Someone who’ll support me…

Someone who’ll understand my situation…

And someone who’ll make me feel like I’m not alone…

I’m too desperate I guess…

But out of nowhere, I just remembered something…

I looked immediately to the doll.

"…whenever you feel sad or happy, talk it to him and he'll definitely listen to you.



Then, I get the doll.

“I know I’m going crazy after this but… even you really hear me or not… Even you’ll listen to me or not… Can I have your time?”, I said to it.

“You know the feeling of always waking up so early so that you won’t be late but you’ll end up being trapped in traffic? I really hate that feeling.”

“You also know the feeling of everyday in your life, you always do what you just did yesterday? I’m actually getting tired of it.”

“You know too the feeling of being pitied by people? Always saying that you’re so poor and unfortunate but they’re not helping you out… You don’t know if you’ll believe them or it’s just part of showing politeness towards you.”

“But… do you know how it feels to be alone???... It’s my situation now as you see…”, I said in a shaky voice but I still tried to chuckle.

I sighed deeply. “Sorry… I’m… I’m just talking nonsense things with you… I’m sorry…”

Then… I felt drops of water falling from my eyes and hugged the doll…

“But at least, you won’t leave me right, Gakupo?”, I just said and smiled. “And please keep on smiling for me.”, I added.

It’s embarrassing to talk to a thing which has no life though… I admit that I actually felt that he’s somewhat listening to me…

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now