Chapter 35

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Tomorrow morning...


"Where are you going, Kaito?", I hurriedly asked as I saw him going out of the door.

"I need to do a project with my classmates. Don't worry. I'll be home before dinner.", he only said and smiled.


"Is that so?... Just be careful with your way...", all I said.


I thought... Kaito and I would be closer after reuniting last night but... I guess not...

I just wanted to be lovey-dovey with him for this whole day though... I'm sure it won't happen...

"Gakupo.", he called me.


"Gakupo.", he called again.

"What???", I asked with irritation because he kept on calling my name without saying anything but as soon as I looked at him...

He suddenly held my face and kissed my lips.


"I'll be off now.", he said and smiled.

But as he held the doorknob...

I pulled him and kissed him.

I want to be sure...

I want to be sure that last night... is not just a fantasy...

So instead of letting him go, I leaned him to the wall and just kept on kissing him.

Kaito just let me and move his lips as well.

We kissed passionately.


"Hnn... I'll be late...", he softly said.


"I'm sorry.", I immediately said after parting.

But Kaito just smiled sweetly.


"Can you just stay?...", I childishly asked.

"That won't do.", he said and chuckled.


I want to kiss him more...


But then... it's passed the dinner time but Kaito was still not here...

Damn... Where he is now?...

What took him so long?...

I was on the act of going to the door when I heard a clatter in the kitchen.


I immediately ran there and saw a man wearing all black and even having a mask...

I was shocked.

"Who are you?!!!", I strongly said.

But as he looked to me... he was just holding a knife.


A thief!!!!!!!

"I'm warning you! Get away now or you'll be hurt!", I said to him coz... even if he has a bad intention... I don't want to hurt someone anymore...

But then... he just tightly held the knife and... ran to me.

He was just going to stab me using the knife when...




...the two of us stood close together.




And from that... I suddenly felt a pain.





Both of us parted...




And then... I slowly removed my hold from the knife and the one who was stabbed was... the man.

But the pain I felt in my heart got bigger and bigger because...

As I looked at him a while ago... I was definitely sure...

I was really sure that the man...




I started to cry.

"Kaito...", all I said and cried loudly from my shock.

He slowly removed his mask and saw him crying but with a line of blood on his lip.


"...Why?... Why?... Why did you do this?... Why did you do this?...", I kept on asking him with a shock and tears flowing.

He just held my face and leaned his forehead to mine.

"It's fine... It's fine..."




It's not...

"Everything is fine... This is the right thing...", he said... softly and weakly...

I kept on crying...

I couldn't stop...

I won't stop...

"Kaito... Kaito... Why?..."

"You'll be free now... You'll be free from the curse now... This is your second chance, Gakupo..."

I shook my head slowly.

"Please... Please live... freely and happily..."

"No... No... No...", I kept on saying from hearing the things he just said.

Then... for the last time... Kaito kissed me and before he fell, he whispered three words to me...

I immediately caught him and hugged him despite of the blood on my hands...

I never knew...

I never imagine...

I never thought... that they were your last words...

"UUUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KAITOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I grieved deeply.

I love you for all eternal...

Message of Author-san:

Thank you! Thank you for still voting and commenting, minna!

But if you still want to read the ending/last chapter of this story, I need 50votes to continue.

Please? PLEASE??? *puppy eyes*

We are getting to the very end, minna! > A <

Please make my wish come true... TT ^ TT

P.S.: I really tried to do an H-scene as a consideration though I just couldn't... TT________TT

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