Chapter 33

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"What?", I asked in irritation and tightened the kite on my hold.

He just shut his lips and stared at me.





"What do you really want?!!!! You're getting annoying, don't you know that???!!!!!"

But he just stared at me.

"Don't ever follow me or I'll beat you into pulp!", I shouted and turned back.

But as soon as I stepped forward...





...the black haired kid still followed me.

"AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I burst out and punched him.


"You must not do that!!!", Lady Luka just said with anger.


"H-He's so weird that I really got pissed with him... He's always following me too..."

"Gakupo... Aside from hurting someone is bad... he's just curious to have friends here in the orphanage... because like you... he was an orphan too..."




"All of you here had so much painful memories of the recent war... so each one of you is having a difficulty of how to move on from that..."




"Aren't you happy? There's someone who just became so fond of you."


"Sorry... I'm sorry...", all I just said.


"Don't apologize to me but to him..."



When I was six years old, the war took my family... I thought that it will be my end but luckily, the orphanage saw me and helped me... Lady Luka was one of the people who's helping us and we're so thankful to her...

And now, that I am here for many months... a new kid about 4 to 5 years old just arrived and he's so timid... He's not talking or looking at anybody... but ever since the time he saw me holding this kite, he became so persistent of following me.

"I'm sorry...", I said to him and bowed my head.


"...It's fine...", despite the aching cheek, he still answered and smiled.


Just that...

I discovered that he doesn't have any name... and grew up without a family or a guardian to care for him...

I took a pity on him because he suffered more than me and so I started to be friends with him.

Little by little... our friendship became stronger...

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now