Chapter 27

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"What took him so long? Hmmm..."




I won't finish with my cooking here if I still don't have the ingredients...

I sighed.

But then...

"I'm home.", Gakupo suddenly said.

I stood up and went immediately to the living room.

"What happened? What took you so long?", I asked him with a bit of irritation.

"I'm sorry... There are just so many customers in the store.", he just said and gave me the plastic.

"I see. Thanks btw."

"No problem.", he only said.


"Are you hungry?"

"Not at all.", he only said.





His troubled face became worst.


"What's wrong?", I asked him.


Don't "huh" me!

"You're so quiet and look like thinking so deep."

"No. I'm just fine."



What's really troubling him?...

"You sure? You can tell me everything.", I just said.


"It's about my curse...", he said and lowered his head.


"What about that? You're already released from that, right?"




"...Nothing. I just remember it...", he just said and smiled a bit.





"Don't worry so much about that. You're fine already.", all I just said and patted his shoulder.

He just nodded his head.


What should I do to help him?...

He's really troubled...

But I thought he's already released?...

He's walking, talking, breathing and there were many things he could do... what's wrong with that?...


"Eh? A doll?", the woman, I bumped, said.



I got shocked.

But when she was going to walk again, I immediately grabbed her.

"W-who are you?! WHO ARE YOU?!!", I immediately said and tightened up my hold.

From that... I just saw a woman with a short brown hair.

"Answer me! ANSWER ME!"

Then, she suddenly smiled at me.

"You can talk to me in this place.", she just said and... disappeared.


I was really shocked that time.

She's really gone.

How come?...

How come????!!!!!

Then, as I looked at my hand, I was holding a piece of paper.


I got more shocked.

She's really true!

I really saw her and talked to me!

Then, I immediately looked to the paper and there's an address written on it...




What's happening?...

What's really happening?...

I'm afraid to know the truth...

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now