Chapter 1

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**Kaito’s POV**




I woke up immediately as I heard a voice calling me. "Ah!"

"You slept again.", Kiyoteru said while mopping the floor.

"S-sorry...", I said and sat up. "Why did I dream about it again?...", I just asked myself and scratched my head.

By the way, my name's Kaito Shion. I’m 20 years old and I’m a working student - a 3rd year college student at day and a crew in a fast food restaurant at night. Hmm~ Currently, I have no interest except of ice cream. ^.^)v Ehehe~ I’m really not good in introducing myself. Sorry… =_______=”

“Oh! Kiyo, I’ll be the one to mop the floor.”, I added and reached the mop but he moved it away.

“No. I can do this. You should go home now. You’re shift is done and you have an early class tomorrow, right?”, he said.

Yeah… I just remembered… “Thanks.”, I thanked him.

"Don't overdo yourself. You still need a rest.", he said and smiled.

Kiyoteru is my co-worker and a really good friend of mine. He's always concern about me and always helping me.

"Thank you.", I said to him and headed to the locker room.

I sighed. He doesn’t have to push me…

Afterward, I went to the locker room to change and to arrange my things.

And I went home…

I… I actually don’t want to go home…

I actually wanted to stay longer in any places…

Any places were fine.

 They’re fine wherever they may be.

Any places…




…except of my grandma’s home…

Because it’s…




I opened the door and turned on the light by pulling the switch.

There’s no one…. There’s no furniture left… Nothing…

This home is always empty…

I just sighed and put my things at the floor. “They went here again I see…”, I just said.

Actually, aside for being a working student… I’m currently paying all the debts of my deceased father… He was drowned from gambling back then and our family became bankrupt because of that… And now… I’m the one who’s obliged to pay them all… HaHaHa

S I L E N C E . . .

I sighed and sat at the floor. I looked around the house.

Don’t worry I’m not looking for a ghost. I just want to mesmerize everything...

Even this house has nothing now… It has all of my memories… memories of my family…

My eyes were blurring again… I just sighed and wiped them.

Actually, it’s not that I have nothing left. I still have my personal things with me and… I accidentally looked at my improvised stand and uttered, “…the doll.”

I walked near it and held it.

It’s been 13 years since this doll…



stopped on talking to me. His eyes stopped on shining whenever I tried talking to him… Because since I became 8 years old, we never visited grandma’s house and so I never saw this doll again. It’s just that I inherited this house when I turned 18 same with all the debts of my father… I sighed again.

But… was this doll angry or sulking to me???

“Hi, Gakupo!”, I greeted the doll cheerfully.




S I L E N C E … 

“Or maybe it’s only one of my childhood hallucinations…”, I said to myself and sighed. “>______>)


“Please keep on smiling for me, Gakupo.”, I said to it and smiled. Okay… I’m crazy… =______=”

I put him back again and prepared my sleeping mat.


Even if I’m literally alone in this house… I  felt like I’m really not alone. I wonder it myself too...

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now