Chapter 16

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"Stop!", they shouted.

I didn't mind them and just kept on running but...




When I'm on the road, a fast-running car appeared...

I got shocked and got frozen...

"Was this really my end?", all I asked to myself.




I just closed my eyes and hugged the katana tightly.

"Sorry, I can't save your life, Gakupo...", I said to myself.




But, a strong hold pulled me away from the road.


I got shocked.

"Are you crazy?!", the driver of the car exclaimed in irritation. "If you want to die, just jump out on a bridge or a building not that you'll give a problem to other person!!!!", he added then, he drove again.




Badump Badump Badump Badump

"G-Gakupo...", I said his name.


"Baka.", he said in his low tone.

"Gakupo...", I said his name again.

"BAKA! BAKA! BAKA!!!!!!!!!!", he shouted to me and I can see his eyes that were blazing in anger.

I just closed my eyes and hugged the katana tightly.

"Hey!", the leader of the collectors called out.

Both of us looked to them who were panting so hard.

"Give us the katana! It's a property of the bank.", he said and stretched his hand.

I looked to Gakupo and he's just lowering his head.

"Give it to us.", he said again.


"Give it to me. I'll give it to them", he just said.

I got shocked.

No... No!!!

"But, Gakupo! No!", I objected but he strongly grabbed it from my hold.




No... No... Gakupo...

"You want this?", he seriously said and handed the katana.

The leader held the body and answered,,"Yeah."


Gakupo... You said that it's your life! Don't give it to them!




But in just a blink, Gakupo pulled his katana out and pointed it against them.

I got shocked and the four people got shocked too.

"You will let go of my katana's sheath or I will cut your fingers one by one.", he said while glaring.

All of them trembled and the leader removed his hold on the sheath.


"Y-you're opposing the bank?!", the leader shouted while trembling. "Everything in that guy's house was owned by the bank!", he added.




This was my entire fault...

"Well sorry to say but this sword is MINE.", he just said and glared them. "And I don't remember any single thing in that house that the bank owns.", he added.

We're all shocked.

"We will pay all the debts as soon as possible so don't get your asses in that house again or... I will make you see a flood of your own blood.", he seriously said and put back his katana in its sheath.


It's like... as he talked... he's not Gakupo that I know...


At night...

The collectors just went away. I hoped they won't cause any trouble again.

"I-I'm so sorry!!! I... I touched your katana again!!!", I apologized and bowed my head.

But he suddenly hugged me tightly...

"Don't do that again.", he suddenly said.


I can't say a thing...

"Are you listening? Don't ever do that again, Kaito!", he repeated but in a higher tone.

I nodded. "Yes! Yes!!!", I said eagerly and started crying aloud.

He's back to himself again. He's talking to me again. Thank goodness!

"You made me worry! Are you really crazy?!", he said and looked to me.

"B-but I have to save your sword. They want to get it.", I reasoned out while crying.

"But you don't have to do that!", he suddenly shouted in piss. "You can just hand the sword to them!"

I got shocked.

Why?! Why are you saying that?!

"How can I hand the sword to them?!", I asked while exclaiming. "YOU SAID THAT IT'S YOUR LIFE?!", I added.

And I just saw him so shocked.

"I don't want to lose you too... I don't want to be alone again...", I cried.


"Who said that you will lose me if you gave the sword to them?!", he said.

I got shocked.

Then, Gakupo just hugged me. He hugged me so tight.







I hugged him back also.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you for being so good to me! You're really a good friend!", I said and cried happily.


But... in just a blink, I felt a strong hold on my chin and I just realized that... Gakupo kissed me.

I was shocked.




Huh? W-why?

"I don't want to be only just your friend, Kaito.", he suddenly said. "I don't want to be only that.", he added and looked me in the eyes.


My heart skipped a beat.

My Samurai Doll  (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now