Chapter 1: Concerts and Opposites

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Chapter 1: Concerts and Opposites

"Come on, Reese, you have to go with me," Allison whined, tugging on my arm. "I have no one else to go with!"

"Get someone else to go with you," I retorted, jerking my arm back. "I'm not into sissy boy bands like you are."

Allison glared at me. "They're not a boy band, and you know it! And they're not sissy, they're punk rock!"

"Not punk rock enough. Their music is an insult to bands like Sex Pistols and Green Day."

"Just come with me, Reese," my best friend moaned. "It'll be a lot of fun, trust me! Besides, you like cute boys just as much as I do. Even you think they're cute. You can go just to stare at them!"

I rolled my eyes. "I have a love interest already, thank you very much. I'm not a stalker; I don't need to stare at them for two hours straight just to appease my girly hormones."

"Oh, please. Alex Gaskarth will never ask you out, and he's like a billion years older than you. These guys are around our age!"

"Hey, don't squash my dreams!" I nearly shouted. "Give me one good reason why I should go see this stupid band with you."

"I won't be a loner," Allison said instantly.


"You get to stare at cute boys for over an hour and not get judged. Any girl's paradise."

"Not this chick's. Anything else?"

She pouted as she thought. "Um, I'll buy whatever food you want there."

I raised my eyebrows. That had caught my interest. "Any food I want, no questions asked?"

"No questions asked," she confirmed with a nod.

"And you won't complain about the grease and calories?"

She grimaced as she said, "I promise I won't."

"And you won't teach me how to eat like a lady?" I added. That was a big one.

She sighed. "I won't."

"Cross your heart and hope to die?"

"Stick a needle in my eye," she finished. "I promise that I won't do any of those things! Well, except for buying whatever you want to eat."

I grinned. "Alright, I'll go. But I must also be allowed to have my earbuds in while listening to my good music during the concert. Got it?"

Allison scowled at me. "Whatever. You're missing out. 5 Seconds of Summer is a fantastic band."

"Mmhmm," I hummed doubtfully. "So, we agree?"


We clasped our hands together and shook them firmly. Now it was a set agreement. I was serious about my food, and Allison was a little too obsessed with being around people, particularly her friends, when she went to public places. I was by myself all the time, and people never judged me for that. Not that I knew of, anyway.

"Want to head to Hot Topic?" my friend asked.

I grinned again. "You know it. That store is life."

We dumped our trash in the bins at the food court and headed up the escalator in the mall. Allison had forced me there so she could buy some pretty things for the concert, not like the guys would ever notice her. Sure, she had gotten front row tickets, but they would forget about her the next day. That's just how famous people worked.

I struggled not to groan when we arrived at my favorite store in the universe. 5 Seconds of Summer crap was everywhere! It was like a curse, a growing virus. People were tricked into believing that these guys were "hardcore" or whatever, when they were actually far from it. They smeared punk rock's good name, and it pained me to watch all of this unfold. I felt like the only teenage girl alive who hadn't been infected with the 5 Seconds of Summer Progressive Disease. Or 5SOSPD for short.

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