Chapter 37: Gurus and Dances

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Chapter 37: Gurus and Dances

(a/n) If my boyfriend ever buys me a box of chocolates, I will hate him forever because I cannot handle that kind of pressure and mystery (coming from someone who just ate a chocolate hoping for CHOCOLATE and got a fat cherry instead *annoyed face emoji*)

"I can't believe it," I said, standing outside. "We're here."

"Yep," Michael confirmed, gazing around with me.

"This isn't good."


"Is it too late?"


"Did we fail?"


I shot him an annoyed look. "I could use a little support here."

"What do you want me to say?" Michael said defensively. "We're here, we're in the Great Empty. We lost, Allison won."

I sighed sadly and looked down. I buried my face in my hands and shook my head. I had failed. I hadn't released the boys when I had the chance. We were here after four, long months, and we were stuck here. Allison's evil kidnapping plot had succeeded, and my rescue mission had failed.

"Hey, it's not all bad," Michael said encouragingly. "You're not arrested yet. We can still do something."

"Like what?" I rasped, glancing up at him. "What can we do?"

"Um.... We just have to wait for Luke and Allison to break up. Once they do, we can take down Allison and call the police or something. You can get far away while we're recovered, and she'll get taken into custody. Everything will be fine, I promise."

I wished that I could believe him, but I felt a great emptiness in the pit of my stomach (pun intended). I didn't know what to do anymore. I felt like we were going to be trapped here forever.

Well, would that be such a bad thing? Michael and I could stay together and work on our relationship, and I could become better friends with the boys. Maybe we could rescue Allison before she became too far gone in her mind, and she and Luke could have pretty, little babies.

No, that was just stupid wishful thinking. That was never going to happen. What if Michael and I broke up? We would be stuck with each other, unable to move on from our past together.

My heart clenched in my chest, and I grabbed onto Michael tightly. He embraced me back, and we glared at the Great Empty in Oregon. We had failed. We might as well plan our funerals now.

"Hey," Luke said, descending the bus steps. "He's ready to see you now."

"Who is?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"The Love Guru. Come on."

I figured that what Michael and I were about to encounter wasn't good, but it was better than staring at our doom in the face. We followed Luke back onto the bus, and he gestured into the dark lounge. It was draped in blankets, and the only light was provided by numerous candles. I wrinkled my nose when I remembered their burping competition, and I rolled my eyes to myself. It smelled too strongly of spices and incense in there, and I wondered if Luke had hired an actual Love Guru. But then he whipped off the blanket on the couch, and Ashton waved at us.

"Oh my gosh," Michael and I said in exasperation.

"Welcome!" the drummer proclaimed. "Please take a seat."

"I'm not doing this," I stated.

I turned around, but Luke blocked my path. He smiled at me innocently before pushing me back inside. I held Michael's hand in my own, and he squeezed it in response.

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