Chapter 34: Beans and Arguments

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Chapter 34: Beans and Arguments

(a/n) Wow, the feedback on my last chapter was insane! I don't think anyone has ever shipped two characters in my stories like that before! XD I'm glad you guys liked it. :)

P.S. Luke is an idiot, part two. ^^^

It wasn't until the next morning did I realize how stupid I was.

"Crap!" I yelled, shooting up in my bunk.

I promptly banged my head against the ceiling, and I groaned in pain. Nobody came running, which kind of relieved me. I didn't want anyone knowing about what happened last night.

Why did I kiss Michael? Why, why, why? Maybe that didn't happen, maybe I only dreamed it. Maybe I had made my confession in my sleep, which would make sense since it was a rather horrible confession. I hadn't kissed Michael, Michael hadn't kissed me, and everything was normal.

I rolled out of bed and stretched, Luke's t-shirt reaching above my knees. I pulled it down and grabbed my clothes for the day before heading into the bathroom. I changed, brushed my hair and teeth, and applied my usual minimal makeup. When I left the bathroom, I almost smacked into Luke.

"There's my shirt!" he exclaimed, snatching it from me. "Why'd you take it?"

I just stared at him. "What shirt? That shirt? I didn't know that it was yours...."

"How could you not know? I was wearing it the day you guys kidnapped us!"

"What's with all the yelling?" Calum asked, pushing us into the lounge. "What's going on?"

"Reese stole my shirt," Luke tattled on me.

"I did not!" I said defensively. "I... found it. In my bunk."

"Sure, 'found'," he said sarcastically, making exaggerated quotation marks with his fingers. I stuck my tongue out at him, and he did the same back.

"I don't believe you," Calum told me, instantly siding with Luke.

I scowled at him. "Of course you don't."

"Give me one reason why I should."

"Because I don't steal things! Well, other than, you know, people."

The bassist rolled his eyes. "You make a convincing case, Reese. Who should I believe? It's a real toss-up."

"Why is everyone so angry at each other?" Michael asked groggily as he walked into the lounge. "It's too early for screaming."

"Reese stole my shirt," Luke repeated, showing him the evidence.

"I did not!" I cried again. I might as well take the blame, seeing as Michael would never confess....

"Oh, um, that was actually me," the guitarist said sheepishly. "I thought that it would be funny."

We all just stared at him for a second.

"Why would it be funny?" Calum finally asked.

"I don't know, I thought that it was a good prank. I got you guys, that's for sure."

"Haha," Luke said sardonically. He wound up his shirt and whipped his friend with it, making him flinch. "Your pranks aren't very funny."

"Who wants breakfast?" Ashton called from the kitchen.

"Me!" Calum and Luke yelled, and they ran out of the lounge.

"Why did you do that?" I asked Michael. "I could've taken the heat."

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