Chapter 2: Chicken Wings and Unicorns

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Chapter 2: Chicken Wings and Unicorns

"What do you think I should wear?" Allison asked for the umpteenth time. "My Mrs. Hood baseball shirt or Mrs. Hemmings tank top?"

I rolled my eyes and didn't even bother looking up from my phone. "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't give a flying rat's turd. Just pick something and wear it!"

"Easy for you to say!" she retorted. "You're not afraid of people judging you for looking like a bum."

I glanced up at her and raised my eyebrows, but she didn't notice. I wasn't all that offended, anyway. She made offhand comments like that all the time. I was used to them, mainly because they were true. I was currently wearing a black Bon Jovi muscle tank, a black faux leather jacket, and jean shorts that exposed my Texas-sized thighs. They were too short for my liking, but hey, I was going to a concert that starred sort-of attractive boys. I might as well try to look somewhat normal to get noticed, even if it was just a passing glance.

"You know what, screw it, I'll just wear a shirt that has all of them on it," Allison sighed, throwing both Hood and Hemmings shirts on the ground. They joined the growing pile of undesirables.

"Hey, Al, the concert starts in, like, an hour," I informed her. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I totally get it if you change your mind about going, I would make the same decision--"

"Shut it, Lucy," my friend threw over her shoulder. I bristled at my horribly girly nickname. "I'll be ready in five, I promise."

She whipped off her pink v-neck American Eagle t-shirt, leaving her in just a beige bra. She pulled on a tasteful black t-shirt that had three pictures of the 5SOS guys on it, with their band name above them, each having a splattered green background. Once again, a cool shirt, if not for the sissy band spoiling it.

"How do I look?" Allison asked as she spun around in a full circle. "Do you think I'll get noticed?"

Along with the shirt, she wore black leggings that had a skeleton's bottom-half printed on it. She had borrowed those from me and never returned them. I really wanted them back. Her makeup was heavy, consisting of silver eyeshadow, winged black eyeliner, black mascara, liquid foundation, powder, pink blush, ruby red lipstick, and lipgloss. A little over the top, if you asked me. But all in all, she looked decent.

I smiled. "You look great. Really. Let's get going."

Allison led the way to my car, and she forced me to listen to 5 Seconds of Summer's music during the drive to the venue. She insisted on it, and she always whined and pouted whenever I tried to change it to something else. I never complained when "Good Girls" by 5SOS played, though. That was perhaps their one good song.

The venue was outdoors and small, which Allison seemed pretty relieved to see. Girls were already finding their seats and taking out posters. I parked near the end of a line of cars, and my friend was out and running before I had even retracted my keys from the ignition.

I took a deep breath as I left my car. This was going to be torturous, but I would survive. I was going to get whatever food I wanted, as promised by Allison. That was a definite bonus.

No one was really screaming yet, but people were talking a lot over each other. Allison pushed and shoved her way to her seat, and I draped my faux leather jacket over both chairs. She jumped up and down and squealed and clapped her hands excitedly, but I wasn't done yet.

"Hey!" I yelled at her. "When am I going to get my food?"

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Come with me."

She gestured for me to follow her, and I did. We found the concession stand, and I was disappointed to see that there weren't a lot of options. I had made sure not to eat anything all day just for this moment, so I was starving. I got a hot dog, a stuffed pretzel, a box of M&M's, and a large soda. I know, disappointing, but they didn't have much else.

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