Chapter 7: Underwear and Enemies

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Chapter 7: Underwear and Enemies

(a/n) So, I kind of submitted this story into a contest that is being held by kingsinbands. I don't even know why I did, I just did. If you guys could help me out with voting, that would be great. Thanks so much if you decide to help! :)
Viva Hysteria, y'all.

"What the flip-flapping heck are you wearing?!" I shouted at Allison, my hands flying to my hair in shock and dismay.

She giggled and twirled around once, her hair swishing past her face. "You like it? I figured that since we didn't bring any clothes, we could borrow some."

"Yeah, I get that, but why are you wearing... that?!"

My crazy friend had "borrowed" some of the boys' clothes. She was wearing a super-sized Ramones t-shirt, basketball shorts, and socks that made it halfway up to her knees. She looked utterly ridiculous, like the queen of all dorks, and it was quite mortifying. The boys themselves were too stunned to do much of anything, not even move around or mumble.

"Why?" I asked simply, shaking my head. "Just why?"

"Hey, I had nothing else to wear," Allison retorted. "We've been wearing the same clothes for nearly a week, and that's freaking disgusting. I had to change into something else. Cut me some slack, okay?"

"Yeah, alright, but... why?"

"Is that all you can say?" she demanded. "Go change into something else. Your clothes are gross, more so than usual."

I bristled when she insulted my fashion style, but at the same time, I knew that she was right. I really did need to start wearing something else. My jeans were leaving red rashes on my thighs from wearing them for too long, and my shirt was a little too stiff for my liking. I sighed as I caved and trekked into the bunk area to find me some clothes.

"How do I know which ones are clean?" I shouted to Allison, opening a suitcase.

"I dunno. I just found these in a bag and went with it."

I shuddered in disgust. Her mind really was out of control. I began sifting through the clothes. I settled on an awesome black Def Leppard tank top (these guys had good taste) and a pair of amazing boxer shorts. I kept my bra and underwear on for numerous reasons.

"You ready for this?" I asked, hiding in the shadows.

I heard Allison squeal and clap her hands together. "Fashion show time?"


"Yay! Gentlemen, I present to you the gorgeous, mysterious Reese Lucille Ortega!"

I slid into the room all seductive-like, even swaying my hips a bit for dramatic effect. Luke and Ashton rolled their eyes while Calum's eyes widened. Michael suddenly straightened up and did something miraculous: he mumbled against his duct tape.

"She's hot, isn't she?" Allison giggled. She was instantly serious when she said, "But you can't fall for her. You're all mine."

I ignored that last part as I inspected myself. "These are the best boxers I have ever seen before in my life," I remarked. "TMNT is life, man."

Luke whipped his head towards Ashton and mumbled something that even I could decipher: "I told you so". I had to laugh, although I tried to stifle it.

"What's wrong with you, Michael?" Allison demanded, frowning when he didn't stop fidgeting. "What do you want?"

"Should we allow him to reply?" I asked, already inching my way towards him.

She hummed uncertainly and bit her lip. "I don't know. What if he screams?"

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