Chapter 27: Games and Bears

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Chapter 27: Games and Bears

(a/n) BOOM!! Another plot twist! I bet almost none of you saw that coming! Some of you ship Reeke, so I couldn't resist. Who knows where this story is going to go now? Is Reese going to end up with Michael, Calum, or Luke? Maybe even Ashton? Please tell me your predictions! It might lead to an interesting chapter later.... ;)

Anyway, since there are a fair amount of Reeke shippers out there, I decided to throw something in here for all of you. Enjoy this little Reeke chapter! :)

P.S. Shoutout to @sweaterpawsclifxord for making this happen. :)

P.P.S. To anyone who's interested in becoming Internet friends with me, I'll PM you my Twitter username. Just comment here so I know. :D

P.P.P.S. Made in the A.M. is such a work of art, omg. I'm crying that it's the end for two years, but I'll never forget the first band I fell in love with. I'm with them to the very end. :) <3

I kept my new shirt hidden from everyone, even the boys who had given it to me. I only wore it at night, and even that was a stretch. I was so confused. It was Luke's shirt, but wasn't he dating Allison? Why would the guys decide to give me that shirt of all things? Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but I was downright puzzled.

Luke and Allison were closer than ever, and it was kind of annoying, gross, and endearing all at the same time. They treated each other kindly, and Allison acted like a normal girl around him. She only hung out with the other guys whenever he wasn't around, probably to prevent him from getting jealous or something. But Allison hadn't kissed or hugged any of the other boys ever since getting together with Luke, which was both amazing and a little disappointing. How were they going to break up now?

While the rest of June was relatively uneventful, something revolutionary happened. I didn't resent the boys anymore. I never actually told them that, but they seemed to get the message. I didn't criticize them as much as I used to, and I didn't go out of my way to snap at them or insult them. Ever since they gave me that shirt when all I had done was be a witch to them, I saw them in a new light. We weren't exactly friendly with each other, but at least we weren't trying to bite each other's heads off.

Since we were nearing July, this was the eighth week of wearing my cast. I didn't have to wear it anymore, and I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait to get it off, mostly because it meant that we could finally leave this dumpy place and get on the road again. I had an entire route drawn out on the map to get us to southeast Oregon. I was both relieved and a little suspicious that no police had stormed us yet. Where were they? They couldn't be this dumb, could they?

"Are you ready?" Michael asked me, snipping the air with his scissors.

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Yep. Let's do this."

He eased the scissors into my cast, and the cold metal made me flinch a bit. I trusted him enough not to cut me, so I kept my mouth shut and sat as still as possible. He began to cut my cast off, and the sound nearly made me squeal. It took him about a minute, but he was finally able to crack it open and take it off my foot.

"How does it feel?" Ashton asked, sitting down beside me.

"Let me check," I replied.

I wiggled my toes, and they felt fine. The real challenge was rolling my ankle, which was what had broken, and I reluctantly complied. Other than feeling a little sore and stiff, it was all healed. I grinned widely and looked at the other guys. They saw the look on my face, and they smiled as well.

"Yes!" Ashton whooped, throwing his hands up excitedly. "We can finally leave this place!"

"Freedom!" Calum yelled. He paused. "Sort of."

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