Chapter One

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Her red painted nails taped the kitchen bench as she listened to the quiet, listened to the lack of sounds around the kitchen, listened to lack of sounds coming from outside her two story home.

Her green eyes fixated outside, watching a man in a suit pick up a black body bag, watching as he struggled to heave the dead human instead it over his shoulder. She scowled as she noticed him drop the body bag, she felt her breath heave as she watched him attempt to drag the body bag across the grass of the neat lawn.

Her fingernails stopped tapping on the kitchen bench, she tilted her head slightly to the side of her "What is it?" Her voice filled with cruelty as she kept her gaze fixated on the men in her backyard.

"He knows what you did." Spoke a young man who seemed too scared to be in front of the woman in white.

She shrugged slightly; she noticed a car carefully reverse to the man in her backyard. She watched as the driver stepped out of the car.

She watched as the two men worked together to dump the body bag into the back of the car "There better not be any damage to my yard." She huffed as she turned to face the man in her kitchen.

He swallowed hard.

"What?" She wasn't in the mood to play games.

"Nothing." He felt his lower lip quiver with fear.

"Don't lie to me." She watched him. She watched as he tried to keep his gaze firm on her, watched as he tried to keep strong in his suit, she already sensed what he was going to say as he stood quiet in front of her "You know the rules. I have my rules, they have theirs. No one gets in my way and thinks they'll get away with it."

"Yes Ma'am."

She held back her flinching at ma'am, she may have been a sixty year old woman but she wasn't powerful enough to warrant ma'am; She ran by Snake, a woman who had lost a lot more than she had gained, a woman who had suffered more than any person she had surrounded herself with, a woman who knew what love had cost her, a woman who knew what it was like to break nails fighting for her own life.

"Make sure those morons don't ruin my garden." She breathed.

The young man nodded before rushing towards the kitchen door that lead out to the backyard.

Snake turned to face the backyard; she watched as the three men sit in the car.

She lowered her head for a moment as she basked in the silence. 

Pull The Trigger; Trouble with Lies. (PTT Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now